Place, Memory & Identity in Literature, Film and Art
Strongly linked with constructions of personal and national identity, place plays a crucial role in film and literature, as well as in visual art. Place serves as a locus of personal and collective memory, in and through which historical traumas are enacted, inscribed, and commemorated. Yet particularly the natural world and rural spaces also seem to function as sources of refuge, (nostalgic) escapism, and resistance to socio-political conflicts and the pressures of modernity more generally. Through the study of a selection of European films and a range of poems and prose fiction (as well as some visual artworks), this module explores the memory politics involved in representations of place and of movement between places. Students will reflect on how place is employed to mediate and `work through¿ different forms of trauma and how it promotes a sense of belonging and/or exclusion from the human community. We also explore the loss of identity via tropes of `placelessness¿. Particular attention will be paid to characters¿ connections to the land, and to how the natural world and its devastating exploitation impact interpersonal, inter-community, and human-nonhuman relations.
Creative Media Platforms
This is an introductory module that enables students to engage with a series of practical media elements at an early stage in their degrees. Coming as it does after the TB1 modules that are theory based, this gives students an insight into the more practice-driven approach to the study of media. It also enables them to get an early taste of some of the themes and practices that they might wish to study in more detail in subsequent years. Finally, the skills acquired from this module also enable students to complete future assessments in all modules with an extra dimension of creative skill.
Professional Development: Preparing for Work
This module is compulsory for all students who have enrolled on BA Journalism, Media and Communication, and is also open to all media and communication single and joint honours students. The module provides students with the context to critically engage with and access relevant industrial experiences and practices within the broad remit of Media and Communication to help develop an understanding of how to gain employment within a professional working environment. Theory lectures and interactive workshops will help prepare students for working as part of a company or institution, as well as working as a freelance. The module focuses on the underpinning and fundamental requisites required to gain, enter and progress effectively through an organisational placement within the media and communication industries or to secure employment in the media and communication industries. Learners will be introduced to:- How to pitch a creative CV, Cover letters and application processes, Understanding skill sets and how to match skills to employers' needs, Finding employment and how to research the job market, Interview techniques (how to pitch yourself and be successful), Wellbeing at Work, Diversity and Inclusivity in the creative industries, Green awareness practices, Workplace behaviours and expectations, Key employability skills and how to get the most from a placement, How to develop an online presence and how to promote a professional profile.
All Ears - an Introduction to the Art of Podcasting
In this highly practical module, students will gain a high-level introduction to podcasting.
Covering a wide spectrum of topics, and catering to audiences from the mainstream to the niche, the popularity of podcasts is increasing across a whole range of audiences. From news and current affairs to sport and comedy, podcasts offer listeners the ability to consume content that interests them on-demand, at their own pace and across multiple devices.
Through the critical analysis of acclaimed podcasts, students will learn how sound may be used effectively to communicate meaning, and using the latest podcasting technology, they will learn how to record and edit audio content.
In addition to essential technical skills, students will gain an understanding of the importance of research to underpin content development, the tenets of scriptwriting for audio and how to choose and edit music to enrich their podcast. They will also learn how to develop compelling, listenable content through the judicious use of expert guests.
Finally, they will discover how to develop and promote a brand identity for their own podcast across multiple platforms, resulting in a finished podcast that can be added to their own personal multi-media portfolio, designed to highlight their employability.
Drama and Documentary on Screen
This module offers students the chance to learn about the history and development of film and television's two most important genres - drama and documentary. The work of the two genres' main pioneers will be analysed, individuals such as Robert Flaherty, John Grierson, Dennis Potter and Jimmy McGovern, and attention given to their contribution in the development of relevant forms. There will also be a chance to consider new aspects and how the two genres have adapted, combined and developed over the years to ensure their survival as interesting and popular forms.
Dissertation or Project
An innovative practice-based alternative to a Masters dissertation. Students are encouraged to develop projects across more than one area of media practice and to do so with dual supervision that embraces both theory and practice. Work produced should be at a professional level, accompanied by a reflective essay and presentation exploring the contextual, theoretical and practical issues raised by the project.
Year in Industry Placement
Students must complete a minimum of 40 full-time weeks (at least 35 hours per week) on an internship placement within a 'host' organization (up to two weeks holiday may be counted against this total). This may be in any one of a number of commercial or public sector organisations, but the placement will focus on media and communications work experience. All placements will be monitored by staff from Swansea University. The placement will start between 1 June and 31 August and will be completed by 15 August the following year.
Sgiliau Cyfryngau Allweddol
Mae¿r modiwl hwn yn cynnig cyfle i fyfyrwyr ennill amrediad o sgiliau ymarferol sy¿n allweddol i waith cynhyrchu cyfryngol . Y pum prif agwedd a gaiff eu cyflwyno yw: gwaith ffilmio gyda chamera uned sengl, cyflwyno a chyfweld, ymchwilio, recordio sain, golygu llun a sain.
Sgiliau Cyfryngau Ymarferol
Modiwl sy'n eich cyflwyno i rai o'r sgiliau ymarferol sydd eu hangen mewn gyrfa yn y diwydiannau creadigol. Mewn grwpiau dan gyfarwyddyd arbenigol byddwch yn datblygu sgiliau cyfryngol ymarferol ym meysydd fideo, radio a¿r we.
Drama a Dogfen ar y sgrIn
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr ddysgu am hanes a datblygiad dau o genres pwysicaf ffilm a theledu sef drama a dogfen. Ceir cyfle i ddadansoddi cynyrchiadau rhai o brif arloeswyr y ddau faes megis Robert Flaherty, John Grierson, Dennis Potter a Jimmy McGovern ac ystyried eu cyfraniad i ddatblygiad y cyfryw ffurfiau. Ceir cyfle hefyd i ystyried ddatblygiadau newydd a sut mae'r ddwy genre wedi addasu, uno datblygu dros y blynyddoedd i sicrhau eu goroesiad fel ffurfiau difyr a phoblogaidd.
Datblygiad Proffesiynol: Paratoi ar gyfer Gwaith
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn orfodol i bob myfyriwr sydd wedi ymrestru ar BA Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu, ac mae hefyd yn agored i bob myfyriwr cyfrwng a chyfathrebu anrhydedd sengl a chyfun. Mae¿r modiwl yn rhoi¿r cyd-destun i fyfyrwyr ymgysylltu¿n feirniadol â phrofiadau ac arferion diwydiannol perthnasol o fewn cylch gorchwyl eang y Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu, a chael mynediad iddynt, er mwyn helpu i ddatblygu dealltwriaeth o sut i gael cyflogaeth o fewn amgylchedd gwaith proffesiynol. Bydd darlithoedd theori a gweithdai rhyngweithiol yn helpu i baratoi myfyrwyr ar gyfer gweithio fel rhan o gwmni neu sefydliad, yn ogystal â gweithio fel llawrydd. Mae'r modiwl yn canolbwyntio ar yr angenrheidiau creiddiol a sylfaenol sydd eu hangen i ennill, mynd i mewn a symud ymlaen yn effeithiol trwy leoliad sefydliadol yn y diwydiannau cyfryngau a chyfathrebu neu i sicrhau cyflogaeth yn y diwydiannau cyfryngau a chyfathrebu. Bydd dysgwyr yn cael eu cyflwyno i:- Sut i gyflwyno CV creadigol, Llythyrau eglurhaol a phrosesau ymgeisio, Deall setiau sgiliau a sut i baru sgiliau ag anghenion cyflogwyr, Dod o hyd i waith a sut i ymchwilio i'r farchnad swyddi, Technegau cyfweliad (sut i gyflwyno eich hun a bod yn llwyddiannus), Lles yn y Gweithle, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant yn y diwydiannau creadigol, Arferion ymwybyddiaeth werdd, Ymddygiad a disgwyliadau yn y Gweithle, Sgiliau cyflogadwyedd allweddol a sut i gael y gorau o leoliad, Sut i ddatblygu presenoldeb ar-lein a sut i hyrwyddo a proffil proffesiynol.
Drama a Dogfen ar y sgrîn
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr ddysgu am hanes a datblygiad dau o genres pwysicaf ffilm a theledu sef drama a dogfen. Ceir cyfle i dadansoddi cynyrchiadau rhai o brif arloeswyr y ddau faes megis Robert Flaherty, John Grierson, Dennis Potter a Jimmy McGovern ac ystyried eu cyfranaid i ddatblygiad y cyffryw fflurfiau. Ceir cyfle hefyd i ystyried ddatblygiadau newydd a sut u mae'r ddwy genre wedi addasu, uno a datblydu dros blynyddoedd i sicrhau eu goroesiad fel ffurfiau difyr a phobologaidd.
Creu Cynhyrchiad Aml-Blatfform
Mae¿r modiwl hwn yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr wireddu agwedd ar brosiect aml-blatfform a ddatblygwyd mewn ymgynghoriad gyda thiwtor yn y broses cyn-gynhyrchu ar MSW305. Bydd cyfle i wireddu cynllun marchnata ar gyfer y prosiect ac i arddangos y gwaith yn gyhoeddus yn y brifysgol.
Cynllunio Cynhyrchiad Aml-blatfform
Mae¿r modiwl hwn yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr weithio¿n annibynnol i gynllunio prosiect aml-blatfform ar destun o¿u dewis mewn ymgynghoriad â¿r tiwtor. Mae hefyd yn cynnig cyfle i wneud `pitch¿ ar eu prosiect i gynrychiolydd diwydiant.
This module offers students the opportunity to work independently to plan a multi-platform project on a subject of their choice and in consultation with the tutor. It also offers a chance to pitch their project idea to an industry representative.