Rwy’n ecolegydd ac yn entomolegydd gyda diddordeb arbennig mewn sicrhau bod ein myfyrwyr a’r cyhoedd yn deall rolau ecolegol pryfed a’u gwerth yng ngweithrediad ecosystemau.
Rwy’n ecolegydd ac yn entomolegydd gyda diddordeb arbennig mewn sicrhau bod ein myfyrwyr a’r cyhoedd yn deall rolau ecolegol pryfed a’u gwerth yng ngweithrediad ecosystemau.
Ffotosfferau wrth olygu
Fel ecolegydd maes, rwy’n gallu rhannu fy angerdd am y byd naturiol yn ystod cyrsiau maes ac fel Pennaeth Sŵoleg, rwy’n cydgysylltu cwrs maes Sŵoleg lefel 5. Rwy’n cyfrannu hefyd at gwrs maes mewn Sgiliau Proffesiynol mewn Cadwraeth lefel 6 a thaith maes Ecoleg a Chadwraeth Drofannol lefel 7 i Borneo.
Mae gennyf ddiddordeb mewn deall y ffordd y gellir cynyddu cymunedau pryfed drwy newid arferion rheoli. Mae fy niddordebau’n cynnwys integreiddio’r cyhoedd i’n cymuned wyddonol drwy gynlluniau gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion i gasglu data ar infertebratau. Rwy’n awyddus hefyd i annog ymgysylltu gweithredol â’r byd naturiol a rhannu ag eraill y bygythiadau ecolegol i bryfed a dulliau lliniaru.
Rwy’n goruchwylio myfyrwyr sy’n ymchwilio i amrywiaeth o brosiectau sy’n ymwneud ag entomoleg, yn ogystal ag astudiaethau ar wasgariad ystlumod pedol lleiaf, gwaith adfer twyni tywod, a’r rhyngweithio rhwng rhywogaethau tegeirian prin sy’n byw mewn twyni tywod a micro-organebau rhisosffer.
Rwy’n hyrwyddwr gwaith rhyngddisgyblaethol ac yn cydweithredu â chydweithwyr ym maes Peirianneg, Cyfrifiadureg a Daearyddiaeth.
Rwy’n mwynhau cydweithio â phartneriaid mewn diwydiant, gan gynnwys Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, y Bat Conservation Trust a’r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol.
Mae fy ngwaith addysgu’n canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu dulliau rhyngweithiol i gefnogi myfyrwyr i gynyddu eu perfformiad a datblygu dull beirniadol, yn enwedig gan ddefnyddio technoleg i hwyluso dysgu ac ychwanegu ato.
This course is designed for Biology students transitioning from A' Level to Higher Education, and will guide students through a series of tailored modules built around the WJEC Biology A' Level specifications. Each module covers information from across the curriculum, helping to link key biological concepts and build from core knowledge to more complex applications. The learning activities will consist of a short (10 ¿ 20 minutes) recorded or annotated lecture that will include self-assessment of understanding by a short quiz consisting of multiple-choice questions. Further on-line materials will be provided to assist students with learning independently. Personal support will be available through online tutor meetings at arranged time.
This module builds on the principles of ecology and biogeography, incorporating appropriate terminology and techniques required for field work. You will learn about the major biomes and their characteristics, and the techniques to survey the plants and animals within them. Alongside these topics, you will develop key skills to support you working safely and competently in the field, and the knowledge to plan and carry out robust surveys.
Insects are arguably one of the most successful groups of organisms on the planet, and represent up to 90% of multicellular life. This course aims to encourage an understanding and appreciation for the adaptations and diversity of insect life, as well as emphasising the ecological and economic importance of this fascinating group. Lectures will aim to provide a broad understanding of the physiology and anatomy of insects, as well as aspects of their behaviour and ecology. Practical sessions will support the information provided in lectures, and provide opportunities to improve transferable skills. Topics covered are: Insects classification and taxonomy; insect anatomy, focussing on key adaptations of insects to life histories and features contributing to the success of this group; insect physiology, including the digestive, reproductive, nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems; insect senses and communication; the role of the cuticle and ecdysis; insect-plant interactions; insect defences, including the immune system; beneficial insects, including the role of insects as pollinators, in medicine, and in forensic science. Lectures are complemented by two practical sessions that include a demonstration of the insect orders to support lecture material, including examples of key groups and an introduction to identification; and further development of taxonomic skills to enhance field study..
Delivery of both teaching and assessment will be blended including live and self-directed activities online and on-campus. This is a level 2 Biosciences module which is compulsory for zoology students and will be held from 2nd - 6th September 2024. Not available to Visiting - Exchange students.
This field based module will introduce students to the professional techniques utilised to monitor and study animals and plants in a variety of terrestrial habitat types and in relation to conservation management and biodiversity monitoring in the United Kingdom. The course places a strong emphasis on ecological census techniques and basic classification and taxonomy. Students will develop key techniques relevant to the environmental sector including Protected Species (specifically birds, amphibians, mammals, reptiles and plants), River and Phase 1 habitat surveys and Environmental Impact Assessment. Students will also learn about the biotic and abiotic factors that define different UK habitats and be introduced to the natural history of Wales. A focus is on developing key transferable skills that enhance employability such as problem solving, data analysis, report writing, evaluation, communication and teamwork.This module is therefore suitable for students wishing to pursue a career in ecological consultancy or conservation.
Borneo is a hot spot for biodiversity both in regards to terrestrial and marine ecosystems. This module is a residential field course which will explore ecological and conservation principles in tropical rainforests and marine ecosystems.
Science communication is a key skill for scientists. Developing these skills allows students to really digest complicated, often abstract theories ideas and find ways to successfully presenting them to non experts. This improves student¿s own understanding as well as equipping them for the much wider world of science and business. Students will learn how to communicate complex science concepts to different audiences using a variety of techniques. Each session of the course will focus onto different modes of communication and will include theoretical and practical components.
In this module, the students will learn to identify and understand the diversity and contrasting characteristics of terrestrial ecosystems with an emphasis on the origin and effects of various human-induced environmental impacts.
Science communication is a key skill for scientists. Developing these skills allows students to really digest complicated, often abstract theories ideas and find ways to successfully presenting them to non experts. This improves student¿s own understanding as well as equipping them for the much wider world of science and business. Students will learn how to communicate complex science concepts to different audiences using a variety of techniques. Each session of the course will focus onto different modes of communication and will include theoretical and practical components.
Partnered with BIO351 Science Communication module, this placement-based module allows students to undertake a communications-based placement to gain real-world experience of scientific communication.
Science communication is a key skill for scientists. Developing these skills allows students to really digest complicated, often abstract theories ideas and find ways to successfully presenting them to non experts. This improves student¿s own understanding as well as equipping them for the much wider world of science and business. Students will learn how to communicate complex science concepts to different audiences using a variety of techniques. Each session of the course will focus onto different modes of communication and will include theoretical and practical components.
Partnered with GEG365 Science Communication module, this placement-based module allows students to undertake a communications-based placement to gain real-world experience of scientific communication.
Science communication is a key skill for scientists. Developing these skills allows students to really digest complicated, often abstract theories ideas and find ways to successfully presenting them to non experts. This improves student¿s own understanding as well as equipping them for the much wider world of science and business. Students will learn how to communicate complex science concepts to different audiences using a variety of techniques. Each session of the course will focus onto different modes of communication and will include theoretical and practical components.
Gŵyl Wyddoniaeth Abertawe:
2019 ‘The Science Behind the Sunflowers’ - cyfle i arddangos ein cydweithredu cyfredol gyda’r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol ym Mhenrhyn Gŵyr, wrth i ni archwilio'r cynnydd ym mioamrywiaeth pryfed o ganlyniad i ddulliau amaethu cynaliadwy’.
2018 ‘Insect communication and violence’ - defnyddio arddangosiadau byw a gemau rhyngweithiol i ddangos y ffordd y mae pryfed yn cyfathrebu gan ddefnyddio lliw, golau a chemegion
2017 ‘Insect Roadshow’- Amlygu rolau pryfed yn ein bywyd bob dydd
Sadwrn / Sul Gwyddonol Gwych:
2019 ‘CSI – Crime Scene Insects’ – Disgrifio’r ffordd y defnyddir pryfed mewn gwyddoniaeth fforensig, a helpu ymwelwyr i ddatrys ‘llofruddiaeth’!
2018 ‘Love then, hate them, can’t live without them’ – Archwilio gwerth pryfed i’n heconomi, iechyd a bywyd bob dydd.
Soapbox Science:
2018 ‘Insects: Love them, hate them, can’t live without them’ – Tynnu sylw at doreithrwydd ac amrywiaeth pryfed, y ffyrdd rhyfeddol maen nhw'n cyfathrebu, eu hesblygiad a'u haddasiadau rhyfeddol’.
School Outreach:
Ysgol Gynradd Parkland 2017: Cyflwyno’r sioe deithiol gyntaf ar bryfed i 200 o ddisgyblion ar draws pedwar grŵp blwyddyn o ysgol gynradd leol.
Discovery SVS 2018: Arddangos y Sioe Deithiol ar bryfed mewn digwyddiad cymunedol i ysgol leol a drefnwyd gan grŵp o wirfoddolwr prifysgol.
Sesiynau blasu gwyddoniaeth a Chlwb Gwyddoniaeth i Ferched, 2018 - 2019: Trefnu sesiynau addysgiadol a rhyngweithiol, a gweithgareddau ymarferol awyr agored ar gyfer ymweliadau coleg a ariannwyd gan CCAUC, clwb Gwyddoniaeth i Ferched ac ymweliadau ysgol ychwanegol a drefnwyd gan Reaching Wider.
, with Athro Chris Alton, Yr Athro Mary Gagen, Dr William Bryan, Dr Ceryn Evans
, with Athro Daniel Eastwood, £30, 320
2020 - Presennol
2019 - Presennol
2013 - 215
2015 - Presennol
2018 - Presennol
2017 - Presennol
2020 - Presennol