Angelika Peljak-Tapinska

Research Details

DEPT/SUBJECT AREA: Modern Languages, Translation and Interpreting

SUPERVISOR(S): Prof. Tom Cheesman, Dr Bob Laramee


THESIS TITLE: Design, compilation and applications of an English-Polish-Belarusian Parallel Literary Corpus

Research Synopsis

The main goal of the project is to create the English-Polish-Belarusian Literary Parallel Corpus (EPB corpus) and present its applications in various linguistic disciplines, such as translation studies and discourse analysis.

The thesis provides the outline of corpus linguistics research and corpus linguistics as a methodology, it addresses as well the problem of the differences in the development of corpus linguistics in the three languages: English (referred to as lingua franca), Polish (statutory national language) and Belarusian (minority language).

A substantial part of the thesis consists of the documentation of the process of creating the corpus. Various aspects of the corpus design, text collection and text encoding are presented in the context of availability and usability of numerous tools.

An image of mountains in Poland


  • Peljak-Łapińska, A. (2017). Негацыя ў беларускім маўленні: прагматычны пункт погляду (‘Negation in Belarusian speech: pragmatical point of view’). In N. Barszczewska & M. Chaustowicz (eds.) “Зъ зычливости ку моеи отчизне: Tom pamiątkowy dedykowany Profesorowi Mikołajowi Timoszukowi”.
  • Peljak, A. (2016). Białoruski N-korpus: W kierunku Białoruskiego Korpusu Narodowego (‘Belarusian N-korpus: Towards a Belarusian National Corpus’). Acta Albaruthenica, 16.
  • Peljak, A. (2015). Temat śmierci w kulturze polskiej i białoruskiej oraz w języku polskim i białoruskim ('Death in Polish and Belarusian culture and Polish and Belarusian language'). Kultury Wschodniosłowiańskie – Oblicza i Dialog, 5.