Sadiq Altamimi Almaged

Research details

Subject area: English/linguistics

Supervisor: Professor Nuria Lorenzo-Dus and Professor Jim Milton

Research Degree: PhD

Thesis Title: The British Political Party Speeches


Research Synopsis

Around the world, in rich or poor nations, the issues of Poverty and Social Exclusion (PSE) have always been present. They promote hunger, lack of shelter, fear from the future, and not having access to schools and jobs, and most importantly living one day at a time. PSE are complicated situations and major societal problems where poor people cannot participate socially, politically, and culturally in their society.

However, they have not been examined systematically to date from a linguistic (Discourse Analysis) perspective. My research area is concerned with studying PSE from the perspective that they become ideologically and politically salient in the British Political Party Speeches at the forefront of the current political agenda. Although sociological studies challenge dominant discourses with empirical evidence by offering counter-narratives about PSE, it is discourse theory that can attend to how explanations of PSE are used and what effects their use has. It is through discourse that we can understand what people feel, need, and think of the condition they live in.

Additional information

Sadiq Altamimi Almaged joined Swansea University pursuing PhD in Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics. He specializes in corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, textual stylistics, discourse ideology, pragmatics, language of advertisement, and the analysis of political discourse.

Prior joining SU, he was a Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics. He began his career as a teacher of English when he got Dip. First Class Honours degree in English Language from the Teachers Preparatory Institute. He then got his B.A. First Class Honours degree in English Language and Literature. He then graduated from the University of Babylon with M.A. degree in English Linguistics.

His main research program focuses on the exploration of textual functions; ideological representations; lexical choices; and the study of language and culture within political discourse in the context British party speeches. He makes use of corpus and computational tools as well as qualitative and quantitative research approaches in analyzing and interpreting linguistic patterning from large corpora. He has presented researches at local conferences in the UK and international conferences in France, Hungary and Italy.

An open book