Alexander Lovell

Research Details

Subject Area: Applied linguistics

Supervisor: Steve Morris and Professor Wilson Mcleod

Research Degree: PhD

Thesis Title: A new model for Welsh Second Language? A study of how best Welsh as a second language can be successfully presented in education in comparatively non-Welsh speaking areas of Wales. 

Research Synopsis

Recently, the Welsh Government announced its ambitious target of creating a million Welsh speakers by 2050. Part of this long-term vision is to develop Welsh language education. However, despite a number of crucial developments in recent years, a chasm continues to exist between policy and practice. In order for the Welsh Government to achieve its ambitious goal, fundamental change is needed in the way that Welsh is presented in the English-medium sector.

The purpose of this research is to study how best Welsh as a second language can be successfully presented in English-medium schools in comparatively non-Welsh speaking areas of Wales. My research focuses on one particular model being implemented in an English-medium secondary school, in which a number of subjects are presented bilingually. The research aims to discover whether or not this alternative model can be considered for implementation on a national scale in order for English-medium schools to move towards transitioning into bilingual schools. 

Welsh flag atop a castle

Further Information

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Twitter: @lovell1991