Originally from the small village of Penisarwaun in Eryri, Eurgain Haf now lives in Pontypridd with her husband and two children. She is an established and published children’s author and short story writer for adults in the Welsh-language. A former winner of the Urdd National Eisteddfod crown, she has also won a number of other literary prizes and accolades in the Welsh-language. Her book Y Boced Wag (The Empty Pouch) is the first original Welsh-language book that introduces the idea of adoption to young children. Eurgain also works for Save the Children Cymru as their Senior Media Manager and her most recent book, Cyfrinach Noswyl Nadolig, highlighting the experiences of refugee children, was inspired by the charity’s work.

'Y Boced Wag' by Eurgain Haf
Mae Cadi'r cangarw yn teimlo'n drist. Mae ei phoced yn wag ac mae eisiau ei llenwi. I ffwrdd â hi felly ar antur fawr i chwilio am ei hapusrwydd gan ddod ar draws anifeiliaid sydd eisiau ei helpu a'i thwyllo...
Cadi the kangaroo is feeling sad. Her pouch is empty and she needs to fill it. Off she goes on a big adventure to search for her happiness, meeting lots of other animals on the way... she awakes the following morning to find a young kangaroo in her pouch, having hopped in to find shelter and warmth.

'Cyfrinach Noswyl Nadolig' by Eurgain Haf
Dyma stori Nadoligaidd hyfryd sy'n sôn am gyfrinach. Wyddoch chi fod yr anifeiliaid i gyd yn gallu siarad ar Noswyl Nadolig? Maen nhw'n helpu ffoadur amddifad i ddod o hyd i gartref ym Methlehem, Cymru. Stori gyfoes a pherthnasol, ac iddi wers bwysig, sef sut i fod yn garedig tuag at bawb, o bob cefndir a hil.
A charming Christmas story about a special secret. Did you know that all animals can talk to each other on Christmas Eve? In this story they help a deprived refugee find a home in Bethlehem, Wales. A contemporary story, relevant to our times, with an important lesson about being kind to everyone, of all background and race.