When Swansea University entered lockdown earlier this year, teaching and assessments moved online. As we now move toward the start of a new academic year, staff are constantly reviewing their teaching methods to ensure our learners develop their knowledge and key skills in a safe and effective manner.
Professor Steve Cook, Head of the Economics department at Swansea University, has a long history of developing and using online teaching resources. As a result of his work, Professor Cook is currently serving on a small cross-UK organising committee for a national symposium on online teaching in Economics: the Economics Network Virtual Symposium.
The symposium explores online teaching, learning and assessment, which are all of huge interest in the current environment. As part of this, the symposium discusses and presents a variety of tools and approaches to enhance online education.
This symposium ran across consecutive Mondays in June and will return for a final session in September to review experiences of staff during the current period of remote working. Professor Cook has developed materials on the teaching of quantitative methods for the symposium, which builds on his research into the use of replication and broader forms of flipping in the delivery and assessment of econometrics and time series forecasting. In addition, Professor Cook acted as a panellist on the national 'Teaching with Data' Q&A session and will be co-editing a special edition of the International Review of Economics Education linked to the symposium.
Further details can be found at the Economics Network website.
Professor Steve Cook is an enthusiastic teacher across a range of areas and has received repeated national recognition for his teaching.