Academic staff at the School of Management have been recognised for their excellence in teaching via a number of individual awards.
These include two individual awards in Economics:
- Dr Hany Abdel-Latif, Economics, Excellence in Learning and Teaching Award
- Dr Brian Varian, Economics, Commendation for Best New Lecture for the Economics network
In addition, the School of Management were also recognised at the first annual Swansea Academy of Learning and Teaching (SALT) awards. Earlier this year staff were able to make nominations in a number of categories, with a shortlist of nominations progressing to SALT for review. The nominations were:
Swansea Teaching Awards
- Business - Paul Davies
- Business - Dr Maggie Miller
- Economics - Dr Wayne Thomas
Swansea Course Awards
- Business - Paul Davies (New/Improved)
- Economics - Dr Lucy Minford (Pedagogic Innovation)
- Accounting and Finance - Associate Professor Terry Filer / Lesley Davies (TEL)
After reviewing, SALT selected the following winners from the School:
- Dr Maggie Miller - School of Management Swansea Teaching Award 2019
- Associate Professor Terry Filer / Lesley Davies (TEL) - Swansea University Swansea Course Award for Technology Enhanced Learning
Many congratulations to all involved.