SPECIFIC manufacturing process

Addressing societal and global challenges through manufacturing innovations and collaborative engagement.

Innovation in manufacturing offers powerful tools for addressing contemporary societal and global challenges.Swansea University is at the forefront of manufacturing innovation, with advanced research encompassing complementary areas,  including digital manufacturing, innovative materials, additive manufacturing, printing & coating technologies, computational modelling,  energy solutions. The institute's strategic focus is centred on the translation of these cutting-edge innovations into scalable, inclusive manufacturing solutions, allowing to address contemporary global challenges.

Employing novel technological solutions, combined with sustainable and inclusive practices, paves the way for a sustainable and inclusive future. Driven by a vision of a greener, more environmentally conscious economy, the focus is placed on the development of manufacturing processes that maximise the use of green materials, renewable energy sources, and waste reduction techniques. This approach enables eco-friendly production and moves us towards a net-zero carbon footprint.

In terms of social impact, inclusive manufacturing technologies have the potential to empower marginalised communities by creating job opportunities and driving economic development. From supporting local businesses to fostering entrepreneurship, these innovations promote social equity and economic prosperity.

Collaboration is key to this mission. Co-creating solutions with industry partners and engaging communities to shape policies and practices bridges the gap between technology, industry, society, and policy, thereby driving resilience and sustainability. Through extensive outreach activities, a wider public engagement in this transformative journey is encouraged. As advanced manufacturing technologies are scaled up, a more resilient and prosperous future is being shaped.

Theme Lead

Professor Davide Deganello

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
+44 (0) 1792 295095
Available For Postgraduate Supervision

Dr Jing Wang

Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering
Available For Postgraduate Supervision