Policies and Procedures
The Swansea University Academic Regulations apply, with a few exceptions, to students of The College from 1st September 2018. These regulations cover the programme itself, assessment and progression, and conduct and complaints and can be found in the Swansea University Academic Guide.
Here are quick links to specific regulations or policies:
- Academic Appeals Procedure
- Academic Misconduct – definitions, processes for handling and consequences
- Academic Misconduct: local
- Academic Regulations:
- Accuracy of Published Marks
- Admissions Policy
- Anonymous Marking
- Assessment, Marking, and Feedback Policy
- Children on Campus Policy
- Complaints Procedure
- Data Protection
- Debt Policy
- Dignity at Work and Study (Combating Harassment)
- Disability Policy
- Disciplinary Procedures
- Engagement Monitoring Policy for Taught Students
- Final Review Procedure
- Fitness to Study
- General Conduct and Behaviour
- General Undergraduate Regulations
- Illegible Examination Scripts or Assessment
- Personal Tutor System
- Policy on Extenuating Circumstances
- Policy on Moderation: College-specific
- PREVENT Policy
- QAA Review
- Rules for Progression and Awarding Credit in a Modular Environment
- Safeguarding and Under 18s Policy
- Statement of Engagement
- Student Charter
- The College, Swansea University Ts and Cs
- The College - Learning and Teaching Strategy
- Transfers, Withdrawals and Suspensions
If you are a prospective student with any queries about the Regulations prior to the start of your programme, please email us at the-college-enquiries@swansea.ac.uk.