Paul Rees
Paul Rees
Calculation of optical and electronic properties of semiconductors
Semiconductor device modelling
Simulation of blood clotting
Colloidal quantum dots
Flow Cytometry
ESPRC’s (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) International Collaboration Sabbatical award
Collaboration opportunity with Professor Anne Carpenter of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Amnis Corporation, Cancer Research UK and the Centre for Nanohealth in Swansea.
This new initiative aims to foster long-term international collaboration between leading UK researchers and their international peers and break down some of the barriers to extended international collaboration. The programme allows UK-based researchers to undertake visits to overseas centres of excellence for between 6-12 months, built around a high quality research agenda. Current international collaboration has revolved around short-term projects, conferences etc and it was felt that longer-term higher-profile collaboration would be more beneficial.
This module offers a balanced, streamlined one-semester introduction to Engineering Statistics that emphasizes the statistical tools most needed by practicing engineers. Using real engineering problems students see how statistics fits within the methods of engineering problem solving and learn how to apply statistical methodologies to their field of study. The module teaches students how to think like an engineer when analysing real data. Mini projects, tailored to each engineering discipline, are intended to simulate problems that students will encounter professionally during their future careers. Emphasis is placed on the use of statistical software for tackling engineering problems that require the use of statistics.
The aim of this module is to introduce the science of measurement and explain the potential and the limitations of sensors commonly used in performance sports applications. Throughout the module, foundational principles will be explained using sporting examples of data analysis, with a particular focus on time-series data. A core principle of the module is that the process of measurement must be understood before applied studies are designed and data analysis is undertaken. The limits to measurement and the errors that can exist in a dataset have to be appreciated in the context of performance sport applications. The origin of the data also has to be considered as there are often hidden assumptions influencing its acquisition and pre-processing built into sensors. The aim here is to educate students about where their data comes from and to encourage them to critically assess the conditions under which valid measurements can be obtained in applied performance environments.
The aim of this module is to introduce the science of measurement and explain the principles of data analysis commonly used in biomedical engineering. Throughout the module, foundational principles will be explained using biomedical examples of data analysis, with a particular focus on time-series, image and gene expression data. A core principle of the module is that the process of measurement must be understood before applied studies are designed and data analysis is undertaken. The limits to measurement and the errors that can exist in a dataset have to be appreciated in the context of biomedical applications. The origin of the data also has to be considered as there are often hidden assumptions influencing its acquisition and pre-processing built into the measurement. The aim here is to educate students about where their data comes from and to encourage them to critically assess the conditions under which valid measurements can be obtained in biomedical engineering.
Generic teaching on research methodology in medical physics and clinical engineering clinical science specialism.
The overall aim of this module is to ensure that the trainee in medical physics or clinical engineering has the underpinning knowledge of the importance of research, development and innovation across the NHS and in healthcare science in particular and to provide the underpinning knowledge for the research project.