To continue improving Wales’ Commonwealth Games performance and to increase the number of Welsh athletes winning medals at Olympic and Paralympic Games there was a need to match and exceed the performance research capacity of competitors in other nations.  WIPS provides capacity to conduct high impact research in alignment with Sport Wales strategies; workforce development, medal winning sports performance and system building (long term athlete development).  WIPS is also further developing Sport Science in Wales, training future Sport Scientists, enhancing the application of science in Welsh sports, and increasing collaboration between Welsh sport, academia and business.

A significant strength of WIPS is the relationships created with industry and academia in the areas of sport science, medicine, science and engineering to develop, test and deliver innovations that have performance benefits within elite sport and wider domains (e.g. health, medicine). This is coordinated through our strategic management board and research steering group containing recognized specialists in Sport Science and Medicine, in conjunction with Sport Wales Institute and National Governing bodies.

Our research is supported with grants from Sport Wales and Welsh Government.

For information of support on physical activity and health please refer to Welsh Institute of physical activity, health and sport: