Huge congratulations to Dr Mohamed Elmagrhi who’s work published in International Journal of Auditing is among is one of the top cited papers and is generating immediate impact in the community.
Dr Mohamed Elmagrhi, Senior Lecturer in Accounting, has continuing research interests in accounting, governance, accountability and ethics. Specifically, his research focuses mainly on the need for private and public sector organisations to demonstrate accountability, transparency and value for money to different groups of stakeholders (e.g., taxpayers and general public).
He has published widely in leading peer-reviewed international journals (ABS 4* and 3*) such as Work Employment and Society, Accounting Forum, British Accounting Review, Business Strategy and the Environment, European Management Review, International Journal of Auditing, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, among others.
“I am delighted my work in the International Journal of Auditing and Business Strategy and the Environment has been recognised among their top cited papers and generated immediate impact in our community. Indeed, my work in accounting, governance, accountability and ethics has not only focused on developing rigorous empirical and theoretical insights, but also practical, professional and policy impacts. This award is an endorsement of this research approach.” Dr Mohamed Elmagrhi