Professor Owen Guy

Professor Owen Guy

Head of Chemistry, Chemistry

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 513181

Email address

Office - 416
Fourth Floor
Engineering North
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Owen J Guy FRSC (OJG), is Head of Chemistry at Swansea and Director of the Centre for Nanohealth in the College of Engineering at Swansea University; a unique facility applying device fabrication & cleanroom semiconductor processing to healthcare problems in collaboration with industry. Owen is formerly Head of the Systems Process & Engineering Centre (SPEC) one of 3 research centres within Swansea’s College of Engineering. Owen’s group has 18 years’ experience in clean room device fabrication (silicon, silicon carbide, graphene & MEMS technology). Owen’s research background in Silicon Carbide led to him developing the world’s first epitaxial graphene biosensors in 2010 for detection of a cancer risk marker, via EPSRC projects (EP/I00193X/1)[O. Guy et al., 2D Materials 1 (2014) 025004; Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2014. 190(0): p. 723-729; J. Mater. Chem. B, 2014, doi: 10.1039/C3TB21235A, Patented under (WO2011004136 A1) and (P100072GB)]. Owen is also pioneering integration of biosensor chips, based on active nanostructure transducers, with microfluidics EP/M006301/1. Owen has also developed silicon microneedle (MN) and microfluidics technology through EPSRC (EP/G061882/1, EP/L020734/1 & EP/I00193X/1, EP/N013506/1), KTP (KTP007901), & TSB / Innovate UK projects (101498), collaborating closely with industry partner SPTS Technologies.

Owen has successfully supervised several more than 15 PhD and MSc students, and is currently supervising over 20 Postgraduate students. Owen has vast experience of industrial collaboration under KTP and Innovate UK (TSB) projects, and has PI grant income of more than £4 million since 2012 and a further £9 million as Co-I. OJG has published over 60 papers, holds 2 patents (WO2011004136 and P100072GB), and was one of six candidates shortlisted for the Royal Academy of Engineering 2009 young entrepreneur award. Owen is a member of the CISM (centre for Integrative Semiconductor Materials), led by Prof. Paul Meredith.

CISM is a new £30M Semiconductor Centre at Swansea with an additional £60M support from industry.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Graphene sensors
  • Biosensors
  • Microneedles
  • Microfluidics
  • MEMS
  • Silicon Carbide
  • Nanotechnology
  • Semiconductor fabrication

Career Highlights

Award Highlights
  • CH-127_Chemical Practice
  • CH-349_Integrated Topics in Chemistry (Semiconductors, Polymers)
  • EGDM03_Individual Research Project
  • EGLM01_Wide Band-gap Electronics
  • EGNM02_Soft Nanotechnology
  • EGNM07_Principles of Nanomedicine
  • PM-230_Selected Medical Diagnostic Techniques
  • PMNM02_Diagnostics and Imaging
  • PMNM07_Diagnostics and Imaging
  • PMZM13_Diagnostics and Imaging
  • Chemistry Level 3 Research Project and Research Dissertation