Dr Edwin Beggs

Reader, Mathematics

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 602758

Email address

Office - 311
Third Floor
Computational Foundry
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


My research is somewhere in the region of Algebra, Computer Science, Geometry and Theoretical Physics. I am a generalist rather than a specialist, and am quite happy on the interface between different subject areas. My papers can be found in Google scholar  


My personal webpage can be found here: 


Areas Of Expertise

  • • Algebra
  • Differential Geometry
  • Noncommutative geometry
  • Solitons and integrable systems
  • Theoretical physics
  • Computability of physical systems
  • Theory of measurement

Career Highlights


In 2020 Shahn Majid and I published the book Quantum Riemannian geometry in Grundlehren, Springer’s first book series in higher mathematics, founded in 1920.

Link to Springer website: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030302931