Professor Chris Allton

Personal Chair, Physics

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 295738

Email address

Office - 601
Sixth Floor
Vivian Building
Singleton Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Australian by birth and education, Chris’s academic career has taken him to jobs in Scotland, England, Italy and Wales. He obtained his B.Sc. from the University of Queensland, Brisbane, and a Ph.D. from the Australian National University, Canberra. His postdoc career began with a brief stint in Edinburgh followed by appointments in Southampton and Rome. His research is in theoretical particle physics and specialises in predicting the properties of protons, neutrons and other hadrons using supercomputer simulations.

Personal webpage:

Areas Of Expertise

  • Theoretical Particle Physics
  • Lattice gauge theory
  • High Performance Computing
  • QCD at non-zero temperature and density
  • Public Engagement

Career Highlights


Chris’s research area uses the lattice gauge technique to ‘solve’ and make predictions from QCD, the strong interaction force that binds quarks together to make up protons and other less familiar particles. In particular, he is interested in QCD under extreme conditions such as occurred just after the Big Bang when the temperature was trillions of Celsius. At these incredible temperatures, the quarks are no longer tightly bound and the particles the make up ‘melt’, leaving a plasma of loosely interacting quarks.

Award Highlights Collaborations