Professor Carlos Nunez

Personal Chair, Physics

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 602287

Email address

Office - 515C
Fifth Floor
Vivian Building
Singleton Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Carlos Nunez is a theoretical physicist. Originally from Argentina, he did his PhD. Degree

in Buenos Aires-La Plata Universities. After that he held postdoctoral position in Harvard (USA), Cambridge (UK) and MIT (USA), where he was a Pappalardo Fellow. He joined Swansea Physics Department in 2006 and is Professor since 2011.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Theoretical Physics
  • String Theory and Quantum Field Theory
  • Some aspects of Cosmology.

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

I enjoyed teaching various courses from elementary Physics to advanced courses. Usually, I teach courses of Mathematics for Physicists.  Also, I taught courses for postgraduate students in various summer schools.

Research Award Highlights Collaborations