Group Overview
Welcome to our specialized research endeavors at the forefront of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) dynamics and cutting-edge measurement techniques. Our lab is dedicated to advancing precision measurement for micro-scale sensors, with a particular emphasis on MEMS devices. At our disposal are state-of-the-art facilities that empower our research and enable us to push the boundaries of MEMS technology.
We delve into the dynamic world of microscale sensors and actuators, MEMS resonators, and energy harvesters, unraveling their intricate behaviors and propelling the field towards new heights. Our specialized expertise lies in the precise measurement and analysis of these technologies, where we employ state-of-the-art tools and methodologies to uncover critical insights.
In the realm of microscale sensors and actuators, we focus on optimizing their sensitivity, response times, and integration with larger systems, paving the way for advancements in fields such as healthcare, automation, and aerospace. Additionally, our pioneering work in MEMS resonators leads to the development of highly stable and precise frequency references, essential for applications in communication systems and navigation.
Moreover, our research in energy harvesters aims to revolutionize the way we harness and utilize energy from the environment, potentially transforming industries that rely on autonomous and sustainable power sources. This specialized focus allows us not only to advance the understanding of microscale systems but also to contribute significantly to the evolution of sensor technologies and energy harvesting solutions.
Specialisation: Nonlinear Dynamics of MEMS, Modal analysis, Bio sensors and Energy harvesters
Specialisation: Nonlinear Dynamics of MEMS, Chaotic Dynamics, Bio sensors and Energy harvesters
Specialisation: MEMS transducers, optical and radio frequency (RF) MEMS devices and systems