We are pleased to announce that the University has continued its commitment in digitalising its systems by investing in Infonetica Ethics RM. This new online research ethics screening system will be used by Swansea University students, staff and visitors undertaking research.
What does the new online ethics screening system do?
All research requires an ethical check to protect parties involved in research and support the University’s commitment to conducting research with the highest standards of probity and integrity.
This new online system will process and monitor research ethics applications according to regulatory standards of compliance and in accordance with the University policies. It will support and protect all parties involved in research including, the researchers, research participants, collaborators, partners, and the University.
Since 2016, the University has been operating several digital and paper-based systems across its various Departments/Schools and Faculties. This online system will streamline the questions and the process under a single platform.
For researchers, the system will allow real-time collaboration with co-researchers by incorporating the changes and storing communications in one place. For reviewers, of research ethics applications, the system will allow real-time tracking, comparing, and commenting on applications.
The online system will lessen the burden on administration, will be environmentally sustainable, and will enable easier reporting.
When will the new Ethics system be available?
The system went live for postgraduate students and staff on 15th March 2023.
The old systems (including the College of Science system) stopped accepting new applications at the end of April 2023. The exception is the former College of Engineering, which stopped accepting new applications at the end of February 2023. All applications from the College of Engineering and amendments need to be processed through the new online system.
From the autumn term of 2023-24 onwards, undergraduate students will be invited to use the system and training provided, in line with the teaching requirements and curricula revision for each subject area.
Who is the system for?
The system will be used by students, staff and visitors undertaking research.
For students, this includes those undertaking courses and practicals that require the collection of research data. The system will assess research projects and dissertations for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students conducting research primarily for the degrees of BA, BSc, MSc, MA, MRes, MSc by Research, MA by Research, MPhil, and PhD. For Undergraduates, only final year projects will use the system from the Autumn 2023 onwards.
For staff, the system will assess ethical requirements of research for staff on permanent and fixed-term contracts and including research fellows and post-doctoral researchers.
The Swansea University research ethics system will not be used for research projects requiring University Sponsorship for work involving the NHS conducted in accordance with the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research (2017). These applications are directed to the IRAS NHS system for NHS ethics. For such research, a sponsorship application together with supporting documents will need to be submitted to SUSOC for review via Research Governance researchgovernance@swansea.ac.uk before IRAS ethics booking can take place.
How to access the system
The Research Ethics Form is accessed through your apps under the name ‘Research Ethics Applicant’. Go to https://myapplications.microsoft.com/
Either scroll to find it or type in the search bar. You will need to sign in using your university email and password.

Should I be using the Online system?
Each faculty has produced a list of exceptions, and these are available in the FAQ section. If your research is in your Faculty exception list then you do not need to complete an ethical review via the online system.
Where to find support
Science and Engineering email: FSE-Ethics@swansea.ac.uk
Medicine, Health, and Life Science email: FMHLS-Ethics@swansea.ac.uk
Humanities and Social Sciences email: FHSS-Ethics@swansea.ac.uk
Non-Faculty enquiries email: researchintegrity@swansea.ac.uk
Research with NHS: researchgovernance@swansea.ac.uk
For technical system queries:
Log a digital support ticket with the team here
For further information please check the FAQ page
Further Documents Ethics documentation
If you require additional support or training, please contact your Research Ethics Faculty Admin.
Non-Faculty enquiries email: researchintegrity@swansea.ac.uk
Research with NHS: researchgovernance@swansea.ac.uk