Prachi Agarwal

Prachi Agarwal

I truly enjoyed and valued my time at Tatham Macinnes. Working alongside experienced shipping lawyers provided me with a first-hand glimpse into the practical realities of dealing with complex shipping disputes. During my internship, I was fortunate enough to work on a bunker dispute case, along with the opportunity to present in front of a partner. It was an incredible experience which allowed me to meet and learn from industry professionals. I am genuinely grateful to the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law team at Swansea for this opportunity and providing me with such a positive and remarkable experience.

Ralph Mouawad

Ralph Mouawad

During my work placement at Tatham Macinnes in London, I had the privilege of gaining invaluable firsthand experience in the field of Maritime Law. This experience was nothing short of transformative. I had the opportunity to immerse myself in real-life cases, collaborating closely with the talented team at the firm. The exchange of ideas and insights within this professional environment was truly enriching.

This experience not only deepened by understanding of maritime law, but also reinforced my unwavering passion for pursuing a career in this field. I am immensely grateful to Swansea University’s Shipping and Trade Institution for equipping me with the knowledge and skills that I could directly apply to real-world scenarios. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the institution and its dedicated staff for their unwavering support and guidance throughout this exceptional learning journey.