Daniel Septiano

Daniel Septiano

Daniel Septiano undertook an internship with Marsh Marine in London, the biggest insurance broker in the world, with a highly visible presence in the London insurance market. He was first introduced to Marsh when he attended a seminar on the role of insurance brokers in general at the company's offices in London. The seminar was organised by one of the LLM Employability Co-ordinators, Dr Leloudas, who made good use of his links in the market.

During his internship, Daniel observed the work of brokers at Marsh's offices. Everybody at Marsh was very friendly and keen to show him what a broker’s job entails and also answer any questions he had. Daniel also gained hands-on experience of how the Lloyd's market operates. Daniel really appreciated this invaluable internship opportunity, which gave him the chance to get an insight into the practicalities of insurance brokerage.