Our Civil Engineering Department facilities include state-of-the-art Concrete, Geo/Soils, Fluids and Structural Teaching laboratories. All labs are equipped with the latest technology, giving students invaluable real-world experience, making them highly sought after by top employers upon graduation.

Concrete Lab
- 1000KN Universal Structures Test machine, compression test machine that can accommodate structures or samples up to 1.8 meters in height and up to 4.5 meters in length.
- 1000KN, 250KN & 10KN universal test machines (UTM) suitable for compression and tensile testing of materials, used to attain characteristics and properties of various materials.
- Concrete production facility for manufacturing test specimens and assessment of fresh concrete workability:
- Industrial rotating pan concrete mixers, small & large
- Concrete curing tank
- Workability apparatus: Slump test, compaction factor, flow table, L-Box, V-Funnel, Slump flow, J-Ring
- Industrial Concrete/mortar testing suite for measuring compressive, splitting and flexural strengths of specimens.
- Rebarscope, Ultrasonic tester & digital Schmidt hammer.
- Aggregate grading and crush testing
- 250KN structural test area for testing structures, includes a range of hydraulic cylinders and instrumentation used to apply and measure forces in a bespoke manner.
- Skid resistance tester for slabs & pavers
- Industrial compaction equipment

Geo/Soils Lab
- Triaxial test machine, unconsolidated/undrained test
- Shearbox test machine
- Odeometer
- Permeability of granular soils equipment
- Automatic soil compactor
- Plastic and liquid limit of soils apparatus
- Californian Bearing Ratio CBR test machine
- Sieve analysis set
Structures Teaching Lab Experiments
- Forces in an Overdeterminate Truss
- Buckling Behaviour of Bars: Euler theory
- Deformation of Straight Beams
- Plastic bending of portals
- Deformation of frames
- Parabolic arch
- Forces on a suspension bridge
- Three hinged Arch bridge
- Plastic bending deformation of straight beams
Surveying Equipment
- Rotating laser level
- Auto levels
- Total stations/Traverse kits
- GPS surveying equipment
- High-speed stereo HD video camera system
- A dual high-speed camera system capable of strain analysis
Fluids Lab
- 5 Meter experimental flume/Flow channel with wave generator
- 2.5 Meter experimental flumes/Flow channels
- Bernoulli, Forces of a Jet, Flow over Weir, Visualisation of Streamlines, Vortex Formation, Osborne Reynolds number, Pipe friction for laminar/turbulent flow and Hydrostatic pressure of Liquids experiments
UG Webinars
Webinars for Undergraduate Students