Learn - Welsh-medium opportunities at Swansea University

Academi staff provide strategic advice and planning for the development of Welsh-medium provision in a range of subjects across the University. Working closely with Coleg Cymraeg, there has been a significant increase in our provision and Welsh-medium academic staff.

Students in Wales have legal rights to use the Welsh language.All students have the right to sit exams, or to submit work for assessment, in Welsh, whether Welsh or English is the main assessment language of the module in question. More information can be found on our MyUni pages

For further information on students' legal rights to use the Welsh language, visit our Student' Welsh language rights page. 

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The Arwain app with graduates walking on the beach
Download the Arwain app

Arwain app

Arwain is a free app created for current and prospective Swansea University students, who either speak Welsh or are learning Welsh. The app has information about Welsh-medium courses and modules, the financial support available as well as opportunities to socialise through the medium of Welsh.

Available now on the App Store and Google Play.