Professor Mike Jennings

Professor, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Welsh language proficiency

Intermediate Welsh Speaker
Academic Office - B205
Second Floor
Engineering East
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


An academic with a focus on wide bandgap electronic materials (silicon carbide, gallium oxide and gallium nitride) for energy-efficient applications.

Having worked in the field of silicon carbide power electronics and devices since 2003, my main interest is to research the manufacturability of this technology through an extensive network of industrial partners.

Recently, I have undertaken numerous research projects within the field of ultra-wide bandgap gallium oxide for power electronic application. Here I aim to explore the feasibility of this new material from the commercialisation (product) perspective. 

Areas Of Expertise

  • Power semiconductor device physics and design
  • Wide bandgap materials and devices
  • Electrical characterisation of power semiconductor devices
  • Reliability of power semiconductor devices