Introduction to Culture and Linguistic Traditions B
A broad knowledge and understanding of culture is an important part of the study of the language. This module aims to introduce students to the cultural background of the different linguistic traditions they study, covering different cultural artefacts and historical periods. It examines important examples of texts against the historical background in which they were produced. We shall study different cultural forms, such as poetry, novels, film, painting, drama and more. Students will be given guidance in writing essays about culture and doing close textual readings through commentary writing. The module provides students with the analytical skills and knowledge which they need to pursue further cultural and historical modules in more detail.
Paratoi Traethawd Hir Ieithoedd Modern
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn cyflwyno ymarfer ymchwil ac ysgrifennu traethawd hir ym maes Ieithoedd Modern, a bydd yn eich tywys trwy ran gyntaf eich paratoadau ar gyfer y traethawd hir. Mae'r meysydd a drafodir yn cynnwys: dewis pwnc perthnasol, gofyn cwestiynau ymchwil perthnasol, paratoi ac ysgrifennu adolygiad o'r llenyddiaeth, paratoi ac ysgrifennu cynnig ymchwil, dulliau ymchwil ac offer ymchwil y llyfrgell, defnyddio ffynonellau iaith dramor, strwythuro'ch traethawd hir, dadansoddi a dadlau, llunio llyfryddiaeth. Yn ogystal â darlithoedd a seminarau, cewch dri chyfarfod â'ch goruchwyliwr. Erbyn diwedd y modiwl, byddwch wedi datblygu pwnc eich traethawd hir, byddwch yn gwybod pa fethodoleg y byddwch yn ei defnyddio, a byddwch wedi dysgu sut i drefnu a strwythuro'ch traethawd hir. Mae'r modiwl yn cael ei asesu trwy adolygiad o'r llenyddiaeth, cynnig ymchwil, a chyflwyniad.
Traethawd Hir Ieithoedd Modern
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr ymchwilio i un agwedd o ddiwylliant Ffrangeg, Almaeneg, Eidaleg, neu Sbaeneg yn fanwl, ac i gyflwyno canfyddiadau eu hymchwil mewn traethawd hir 8,000 o eiriau. Addysgir y modiwl trwy bedwar seminar ymarferol ar sgiliau ymchwil ac ysgrifennu, a thair sesiwn ffurfiol gyda goruchwyliwr traethawd hir. Bydd eich goruchwyliwr yn gallu'ch helpu i ddod o hyd i bwnc, awgrymu strategaethau ymchwil, cytuno teitl addas, a thrafod strwythur eich traethawd hir, a bydd yn darllen un pennawd yn fanwl, a gwneud sylwadau arno. Gall y pwnc ymwneud â modiwl yr ydych yn ei astudio ar Lefel 3, cyhyd â nad yw hynny'n dyblygu deunydd, a chyhyd â'ch bod wedi cytuno hynny gyda chydlynydd y modiwl ymlaen llaw. Cewch ysgrifennu'r traethawd hir yn Saesneg, yn eich iaith darged, neu yn Gymraeg (lle mae darpariaeth gyfrwng Cymraeg ar gael).
Sbaeneg I Ddechreuwyr I (Spanish for Beginners I - Welsh Medium)
Mae'r modiwl wedi'i ddylunio'n benodol ar gyfer myfyrwyr sydd ag ychydig iawn o wybodaeth flaenorol neu ddim gwybodaeth flaenorol am Sbaeneg. Yn ystod y tymor cyntaf, ei nodau yw eich galluogi i ddysgu geirfa sylfaenol yn ogystal â dealltwriaeth o strwythurau gramadegol sylfaenol, er mwyn i chi gyfathrebu yn ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar yn Sbaeneg. Y nod yn yr ail dymor yw ehangu eich geirfa a'ch strwythurau gramadegol sylfaenol, er mwyn i chi gyfathrebu yn ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar yn Sbaeneg Mae'r pedair awr gyswllt yn ymroddedig i feithrin eich geirfa a'ch sgiliau ysgrifennu, darllen a siarad. Cynhelir y dosbarthiadau yn Sbaeneg yn bennaf. Yn ogystal â gwaith dosbarth, disgwylir i fyfyrwyr astudio'n helaeth yn breifat hefyd.
The module is specifically designed for students who have little or no previous knowledge of the Spanish language. During the first term, its aims is to enable you to acquire basic vocabulary as well as a grasp of fundamental grammatical structures, enabling you to communicate in both written and spoken Spanish. The second term aims to widen your vocabulary and fundamental grammatical structures, enabling you to communicate in both written and spoken Spanish. The four contact hours are dedicated to developing your vocabulary, writing, reading and speaking skills. Classes are conducted mainly in Spanish. In addition to class work, students are also expected to undertake extensive private study.
Sbaeneg I Ddechreuwyr II (Spanish for Beginners II - Welsh Medium)
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn ehangu¿r wybodaeth gramadeg, geirfa a seineg a ddatblygwyd yn MLS130W.
Iaith Sbaeneg 1A
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn gosod sylfaen ar gyfer astudio Sbaeneg ar lefel uwch, a fydd yn galluogi myfyrwyr i feithrin y sgiliau sy'n angenrheidiol i ddefnyddio Sbaeneg mewn amgylchiadau cyffredinol a phroffesiynol. Nod y modiwl yw atgyfnerthu ac ymestyn y sgiliau iaith a ddatblygwyd gan fyfyrwyr wrth astudio Safon Uwch (neu gymhwyster cyfwerth) a hwyluso datblygiad eu hyfedredd ieithyddol. Mae'n canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu rhuglder a chywirdeb wrth ysgrifennu a siarad Sbaeneg, gan sefydlu dealltwriaeth ramadegol gadarn o'r iaith, ac ymestyn geirfa'r myfyrwyr i'w galluogi i ddarllen, ysgrifennu, dehongli a siarad am faterion sy'n berthnasol i gymdeithas a diwylliant Hisbaenaidd cyfoes. Bydd y modiwl yn ceisio gwella cyflogadwyedd myfyrwyr drwy gyflwyno Sbaeneg Proffesiynol iddynt, gan ddarparu sylfaen yng ngeirfa a defnydd Sbaeneg Busnes iddynt.
Cynhelir y dosbarthiadau yn Sbaeneg yn bennaf. Mae'r modiwl hwn yn cael ei astudio'n aml ar y cyd ag MLS160B. Mae fersiwn cyfrwng Saesneg o'r modiwl hwn ar gael hefyd, sef MLS160A.
This module is the foundation of advanced level study of Spanish which will equip students with the skills needed to use Spanish in general and professional environments. The module aims to consolidate and extend the language skills developed by students at A level (or equivalent) and to facilitate their progress in linguistic competence. It concentrates on developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish, establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, interpret and speak about issues related to contemporary Hispanic society and culture. The module aims to enhance students¿ employability by introducing them to Professional Spanish, providing a grounding in the vocabulary and use of Business Spanish. Classes are mainly conducted in Spanish. It is typically taken in conjunction with MLS160B. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module: MLS160AW.
Iaith Sbaeneg 1B
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn gosod sylfaen ar gyfer astudio Sbaeneg ar lefel uwch, a fydd yn galluogi myfyrwyr i feithrin y sgiliau sy'n angenrheidiol i ddefnyddio Sbaeneg mewn amgylchiadau cyffredinol a phroffesiynol. Nod y modiwl yw atgyfnerthu ac ymestyn y sgiliau a ddatblygwyd gan fyfyrwyr wrth astudio am Safon Uwch (neu gymhwyster cyfwerth) ac yn MLS160A a hwyluso datblygiad eu hyfedredd ieithyddol. Mae'n canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu rhuglder a chywirdeb wrth siarad ac ysgrifennu Sbaeneg ymhellach,gan sefydlu dealltwriaeth ramadegol gadarn o'r iaith ac ymestyn geirfa'r myfyrwyr i'w galluogi i ddarllen, ysgrifennu, dehongli a siarad am faterion sy'n berthnasol i gymdeithas a diwylliant Hisbaenaidd cyfoes. Bydd y modiwl yn ceisio gwella cyflogadwyedd myfyrwyr drwy gyflwyno'r syniadau sydd ynghlwm wrth Ddatblygu Cynaliadwy iddynt yn Sbaeneg, gan ddarparu sylfaen yng ngeirfa a defnydd Sbaeneg mewn cyd-destunau sy'n ymwneud â datblygu cynaliadwy.
Cynhelir y dosbarthiadau yn Sbaeneg yn bennaf. Mae'r modiwl hwn yn cael ei astudio'n aml ar y cyd ag MLS160AW. Mae fersiwn cyfrwng Saesneg o'r modiwl hwn ar gael hefyd, sef MLS160B.
This module is the foundation of advanced level study of Spanish which will equip students with the skills needed to use Spanish in general and professional environments. The module aims to consolidate and extend the language skills developed by students at A level (or equivalent) and in MLS160A and to facilitate their progress in linguistic competence. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish, establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, interpret and speak about issues related to contemporary Hispanic society and culture. The module aims to enhance students¿ employability by introducing them to the ideas underlying Sustainable Development (SD) in Spanish, providing a grounding in the vocabulary and use of Spanish in SD-related contexts. Classes are mainly conducted in Spanish. It is typically taken in conjunction with MLS160A. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module: MLS160BW.
Barcelona/Buenos Aires
Barcelona is considered to be one of the most cultural and dynamic cities in Spain. We will examine how the city became such a motor of change at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century by considering how Barcelona became a new enterprising European city through the World Fairs, Art and architecture in Modernism, Gaudi and a novel urban environment. We will then look closely at a novel by one of Spain's leading authors, which traces the rise and fall of a character through this new developing city. Finally we will consider how culture and enterprise are used to brand the city again in the 21st century.
Buenos Aires is regarded as the cultural capital of Spanish America and that continent's most European city. We will consider the rise of Buenos Aires in the 19th century (including architectural features) and look at key moments in the city's history: mass immigration from Europe, the birth of tango, the emergence of lunfardo (an Italian-based dialect peculiar to the city) and, in the political sphere, the rise of Personism and the role of Evita.
Spanish Language 2A
This module builds on the skills and knowledge acquired in the first year of study, and will equip students with the skills needed to use Spanish in more complex concrete and abstract social and professional environments.
This module aims at building on the skills and knowledge acquired in the first year of study, and will equip students with the skills needed to use Spanish in more complex concrete and abstract social and professional environments appropriate to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It concentrates on developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish, so that the student can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. It also aims at establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, interpret and debate (explaining a viewpoint, giving independent advantages and disadvantages of various options) about topical issues related to contemporary Spanish society and culture. Moreover, the module aims to enhance students¿ employability by systematically developing a personal professional career planning portfolio, providing a sound insight into the world of work. Classes will be conducted mainly in Spanish. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module.
Iaith Sbaeneg 2A
Mae¿r modiwl hwn yn adeiladu ar y sgiliau a'r wybodaeth a enillwyd yn y flwyddyn gyntaf o astudio, a bydd yn galluogi myfyrwyr i feithrin y sgiliau sy'n angenrheidiol i ddefnyddio Sbaeneg mewn amgylchiadau cymdeithasol a phroffesiynol, diriaethol a haniaethol cymhlethach, yn briodol i lefel B2 y Fframwaith Cyfeirio Ewropeaidd Cyffredin ar gyfer Ieithoedd. Mae'n canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu rhuglder a chywirdeb wrth ysgrifennu a siarad Sbaeneg, i alluogi'r myfyriwr i ryngweithio mewn modd eithaf rhugl a naturiol â siaradwyr brodorol, heb straen ar y naill ochr na'r llall. Bydd hefyd yn ceisio sefydlu dealltwriaeth ramadegol gadarn o'r iaith ac ymestyn geirfa'r myfyrwyr i'w galluogi i ysgrifennu, dehongli a thrafod (esbonio safbwynt, gan gyflwyno manteision ac anfanteision annibynnol opsiynau amrywiol) materion cyfoes sy'n berthnasol i gymdeithas a diwylliant Sbaeneg cyfoes.
Yn ogystal â hyn, bydd y modiwl yn ceisio gwella cyflogadwyedd myfyrwyr drwy ddatblygu portffolio cynllunio gyrfa personol yn systematig, gan ddarparu dealltwriaeth gadarn o fyd gwaith. Cynhelir y dosbarthiadau yn Sbaeneg yn bennaf. Mae fersiwn cyfrwng Saesneg o'r modiwl hwn ar gael hefyd, sef MLS260A.
This module builds on the skills and knowledge acquired in the first year of study, and will equip students with the skills needed to use Spanish in more complex concrete and abstract social and professional environments.
This module aims at building on the skills and knowledge acquired in the first year of study, and will equip students with the skills needed to use Spanish in more complex concrete and abstract social and professional environments appropriate to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It concentrates on developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish, so that the student can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. It also aims at establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, interpret and debate (explaining a viewpoint, giving independent advantages and disadvantages of various options) about topical issues related to contemporary Spanish society and culture. Moreover, the module aims to enhance students¿ employability by systematically developing a personal professional career planning portfolio, providing a sound insight into the world of work. Classes will be conducted mainly in Spanish. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module.
Spanish Language 2B
This module builds on and consolidates the skills and knowledge acquired in MLS260A by concentrating on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish. This module aims to build on and consolidate the skills and knowledge acquired in MLS260A. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish appropriate to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It specifically aims at preparing the students for their Year Abroad and/or extend intercultural awareness, widening students¿ vocabulary to read, write and do presentations about topics related to Spain and Latin America. The module also aims to enhance students¿ employability, by training them to do a successful presentation using appropriate IT applications. Classes will be conducted mainly in Spanish. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module.
Iaith Sbaeneg 2B
Mae¿r modiwl hwn yn adeiladu ar y sgiliau a'r wybodaeth a ddatblygwyd yn MLS260AW a'u atgyfnerthu drwy ganolbwyntio ar ddatblygu rhuglder wrth ysgrifennu a siarad Sbaeneg ymhellach yn unol â lefel B2 y Fframwaith Cyfeirio Ewropeaidd Cyffredin ar gyfer Ieithoedd. Ei nodau penodol yw paratoi'r myfyrwyr ar gyfer eu blwyddyn dramor a/neu gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth ryngddiwylliannol, ehangu geirfa'r myfyrwyr i'w galluogi i ddarllen, ysgrifennu a gwneud cyflwyniadau am bynciau sy'n ymwneud â Sbaen ac America Ladin. Bydd y modiwl hefyd yn ceisio gwella cyflogadwyedd myfyrwyr drwy eu hyfforddi i wneud cyflwyniad llwyddiannus gan ddefnyddio adnoddau TG priodol. Cynhelir y dosbarthiadau yn Sbaeneg yn bennaf. Mae fersiwn cyfrwng Saesneg o'r modiwl hwn ar gael hefyd, sef MLS260B.
This module builds on and consolidates the skills and knowledge acquired in MLS260A by concentrating on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish. This module aims to build on and consolidate the skills and knowledge acquired in MLS260A. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish appropriate to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It specifically aims at preparing the students for their Year Abroad and/or extend intercultural awareness, widening students¿ vocabulary to read, write and do presentations about topics related to Spain and Latin America. The module also aims to enhance students¿ employability, by training them to do a successful presentation using appropriate IT applications. Classes will be conducted mainly in Spanish. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module.
Spanish General Language 3A
This module is the culmination of advanced level study of Spanish which will equip students with the skills needed to communicate orally and in writing at a near-native level. This module aims to consolidate and extend the language skills developed by students from the beginners and advanced language pathways. It concentrates on developing clarity, fluency, organisation, structure and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish, establishing a firm understanding of the finer points of the language relating to grammar and discourse, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, and speak about issues related to contemporary Hispanic society and culture. Classes are mainly conducted in Spanish. It is typically taken in conjunction with MLS300B. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module: MLS300AW.
Iaith Gyffredinol Sbaeneg 3A
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn darparu pob myfyriwr Astudiaethau Ysbaenig gyda'r cyfle i ymarfer a datblygu sgiliau cyfieithu o'r Sbaeneg i'r Gymraeg, ysgrifennu yn Sbaeneg (drwy ysgrifennu traethawd), a sgiliau cyfathrebu a llafar yn Sbaeneg. Fe fydd dosbarthiadau ysgrifennu a llafar yn ffocysi ar ymarferion a phynciau penodedig, ac fe gynorthwyir rhain gan weithdau gramadeg fydd yn cryfhau ac yn ymestyn gwybodaeth gyfredol. Fe fydd y gweithdai yn cynnwys ystyriaeth o ragenwau, cymalau perthynol, trefn geiriau a geiriau cysylltiol.
Spanish General Language 3B
This module will provide all students of Hispanic Studies with practice and development of skills in translation from English to Spanish. Writing and oral classes will focus on specific exercises and topics and will be supported by the explanation of grammar points when needed.
Iaith Gyffredinol Sbaeneg 3B
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn darparu pob myfyriwr Astudiaethau Sbaeneg gyda'r cyfle i ymarfer a datblygu sgiliau cyfieithu o'r Gymraeg i'r Sbaeneg. Fe fydd dosbarthiadau ysgrifennu a llafar yn canolbwyntio ar ymarferion a phynciau penodol, ac fe ddarperir esboniadau gramadegol yn ôl yr angen.
Spanish Language 3A
This module builds on the skills and knowledge acquired in the second year of study, and will equip students with the skills needed to use Spanish in more complex social and professional contexts. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish, enabling students to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. It aims to establish a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students' vocabulary to read, write, interpret and debate issues related to contemporary French/German/Spanish society and culture appropriate to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Moreover, the module further enhances students¿ employability by systematically developing a personal professional career planning portfolio, providing a sound insight into the world of work. Classes will be mainly conducted in Spanish.
Spanish Language 3B
This module builds on and consolidates the skills and knowledge acquired in MLS390A by concentrating on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish. This module aims to build on and consolidate the skills and knowledge acquired in MLS390A. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish appropriate to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It specifically aims at preparing the students for their Year Abroad and/or extend intercultural awareness, widening students¿ vocabulary to read, write, do presentations and translate about topics related to Spain and Latin America. The module also aims to enhance students¿ employability, by training them to do a successful presentation using appropriate IT applications. Classes will be conducted mainly in Spanish. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module.
Introduction to the Theory of Translation
The question of how to evaluate a translation has occupied linguists since antiquity. In this module, some of the main issues from the rich history of this discussion will be presented. For example, one of the oldest issues is to what extent equivalence in translation can be achieved. An example of a more modern question is: what is the right unit of translation (why not word-for-word?, what type of larger units?). We will also consider cultural and philosophical aspects of translation, the impact of technology on translation and the question to what extent the translator is (and should be) visible or invisible