Dr Angelica Pachon

Lecturer, Mathematics

Email address

Office - 309
Third Floor
Computational Foundry
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


I am a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Swansea University. Previously, from October 2018 to August 2023, I was a lecturer in mathematics at the University of South Wales, UK.

My research can be defined as a crossover between Probability, Combinatorics and Statistics. My areas of expertise are “scenery reconstruction” and “random graphs models and complex networks”.

Personal website: http://www.angelicapachon.eu/

Areas Of Expertise

  • Random walks in random environments: Scenery reconstruction models
  • Discrete Mathematics: Random graphs and random discrete structures
  • Stochastic Processes: Random walks, Branching Processes, Branching random walks, SemiMarkov processes

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

I have teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate level in probability theory, analysis of algorithms, statistics, and random graphs.
