The application of advanced data analytics techniques to pre-existing data to understand performance in Olympic sports

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This project is developing and applying advanced data analytical, AI, and visualisation techniques to impact the practice of the UK’s Olympic sports through an ongoing collaboration with the UK Sports Institute (UKSI). In recent years, greater instrumentation and monitoring has led to a dramatic increase in the volume of data which aims to quantify different aspects of sporting performance. However, much like in many aspects of wider society, this increase in data collection has often superseded the rate at which practitioners have been able to understand and interpret the meaningfulness of the data and the potential application and communication of its findings. Furthermore, there are often challenges associated with the interpretation of these data due to incomplete data sets and/or noise affecting the measured signals, and this project will develop ways in which practitioners can deal with this in a time-efficient manner to still yield valuable insight from data which have to be obtained in a dynamic sporting environment in a time-pressured manner. 

By applying advanced data analytics and visualisation techniques from a range of disciplines, this project will enable the critical features of complex sporting systems to be identified, translated into meaningful insight, and ultimately applied to potentially impact elite sporting performance. Furthering the understanding of data collected within Olympic sports will enable the critical features of complex sporting systems to be identified, translated into meaningful insight, and ultimately applied to potentially impact elite sporting performance.