Episode 6: Using digital technology to support people in the criminal justice system

In this episode

England and Wales currently has one of the highest prison populations per 100,000 capita in the western world. Current reoffending rates of those released from prison are between 40% - 60%. Many aspects of the penal system are therefore not working. 

Tackling this grim reality, Swansea University’s Dr Gemma Morgan, senior lecturer in criminology, social policy and sociology, and her wider team in partnership with Include UK and the Legal Innovation Lab Wales, have developed ‘My Journey App’. This unique app is designed to support those leaving prison or on probation to stop offending and achieve positive outcomes.

In this thoughtful episode, Dr Morgan discusses the main features of the app, how her research has led to harnessing digital technology in innovative new ways and how supporting the rehabilitation of offenders back society will bring positive economic and social benefits to society as a whole.

About our expert

Dr Gemma Morgan is a senior lecturer with specialist research interests in rehabilitation, digital technology in desistance, youth, and social justice. Across her work she links closely with criminal justice system partners and support agencies to help improve frontline services. She takes an innovative approach, and her work is focused on creating real-world impact and change.

Dr Morgan was the recipient of Swansea University’s Research and Innovation Rising Star Award 2022. She will spend 2024 as a successful FullBright scholarship recipient at George Mason University in America where she will be continuing the development of ‘My Journey App’.

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