Delivering outreach to enhance Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) uptake and engagement for more than ten years, the Swansea University Science for Schools Scheme (S4) connects pupils in South Wales with university science. S4 is led by STEM researchers and aims to get young people excited by, and engaged in, science through free, hands-on, curiosity-driven, and research-led workshops. S4 aims to increase access to STEM learning and to improve STEM uptake and attainment in higher education in students from backgrounds with traditionally low participation in higher education and STEM.

S4 was established in 2012 by physicist Dr Will Bryan and geographer Professor Mary Gagen at Swansea University, and since 2018 has formed part of the pan-Wales Trio Sci Cymru Consortium. The programme is supported by the European Social Fund and Welsh Government.
Core to S4’s activities is building and improving our understanding of STEM uptake with our participants, and this research is informing policy. A recent publication can be found here:
Bryan, R., Gagen, M.H., Bryan, W.A. et al. “Reaching out to the hard-to-reach: mixed methods reflections of a pilot Welsh STEM engagement project” SN Soc. Sci. 2, 10 (2022).
More information can be found at: