Our choral and organ scholarship scheme is designed to support the scholar's development as a musician, in partnership with St Mary’s Church, Swansea. The scholarships are funded jointly between the University, St Mary’s Church and the Swansea St Mary’s Choral Trust (SSMCT).
Scholars receive the following benefits:
- Up to fifteen hours of individual tuition per year in their instrument or voice
- An annual bursary of £650
Scholars are expected to participate fully in the music of St Mary’s Church, Swansea.
How to apply
Scholarship applications require the submission of an application form and references, and a face-to-face audition.
- Scholarships are available to all students studying on taught degree courses.
- Applications are only accepted from currently-enrolled students; the deadline for applications is 22nd October.
To apply, please complete the appropriate forms, and send it to v.m.walters@swansea.ac.uk.
- Choral Scholarship Form
- Referee Form. Two referees are required for each application: each should complete a copy of this form and send it to the University (v.m.walters@swansea.ac.uk)
Details of the documentation and audition requirements for the scholarships are included with the relevant application form.
Regulations and eligible instruments
The scholarship scheme is governed by the current Music Scholarship Regulations. Note that the regulations and application form additionally make reference to other types of music scholarship which are not currently offered by the University.