Students studying together

Reutlingen University is located in the south of Germany, and is home to approx 5800 students, a quarter of which are international and exchange students. Reutlingen itself has a population of around 110,000 people and is roughly 19 miles south of Stuttgart.

Important Considerations

  • Before lectures begin, exchange students will be invited to an official Welcome Session. Here you will meet the staff responsible for student exchange.
    Attendance by all new exchange students is essential.
  • Halls of Residence or private accommodation are available. Rent: approx. €290 (single room); €400 (apartment) plus a deposit of approx. € 600 - 
  • All students are required to be covered by health insurance during their stay in Germany:
  • You will be expected to pay a semester fee of €97.30 (which is a social fee for student services and student body)
  • University of Reutlingen estimates monthly living costs of approx €700 - €900 including rent.