Is your child due to go abroad?

We know that, for many parents, the idea of your child moving overseas for a semester or year can sometimes be a worry and the process can feel difficult to navigate at times. Please rest assured that the Go Global team is on hand to prepare all students for their period abroad and we will continue to support them while they are there. However, we also require students to be proactive and committed, to attend all preparation sessions we hold in the lead-up to their departure, and to communicate with us. 

All students are provided with information about how to apply for a year or semester abroad very early on in their university career. They will then be invited to a series of preparation sessions:

  1. Departmental Information Talks (October)
  2. Departmental Options Talk (November)
    information on available partner universities, the costs involved, funding available and student loans
  3. Module Selection Meeting (January)
    with their academic coordinator to discuss viable modules at their allocated partner university
  4. Application Assistance and Submission Session (February onwards)
    with the Go Global team, explaining the paperwork or online forms to be completed, details of the financial evidence they will need to provide if studying in a country where a visa is needed, deadlines and costs
  5. What Happens Next Event (February)
    with the Go Global team, where we remind all students of the steps to come over the rest of the semester, reminders about submitting their student loan applications, submitting partner university applications, general preparation advice
  6. Fees, Funding and Finance Event (March)
    with the Go Global team, where we explain again to students the costs involved, remind them about the funding they will receive and discuss the best way to budget for their period abroad. Swansea University's Money Advice Team also assist at this event.
  7. Visa Signposting Session (April)
    for those students who need to obtain a visa for the country they are visiting, general information about the process, what to expect and when they will need to think about booking visa interviews etc
  8. Departmental Preparation Meetings (April)
    with academic coordinator, where the Year Abroad Academic Handbook is explained, module requirements and course loads are reiterated, Go Global paperwork is completed, health and safety reminders
  9. Pre-Departure Event (May)
    all students are brought together to meet other students going to the same country as them, we discuss travel scenarios, what to do in an emergency, reminders about insurance, keeping safe etc.