Ten Objectives and Ten Rules for Designing Automations in Interaction Techniques, User Interfaces and Interactive System

Wednesday 28th October 2020

Abstract: Automation, as a design goal, focusses mainly on the migration of tasks from a human operator to a mechanical or digital system. Designing automation thus usually consists in removing tasks or activities from that operator and in designing systems that will be able to perform them. When these automations are not adequately designed (or correctly understood by the operator), they may result in so called automation surprises that degrade, instead of enhance, the overall performance of the couple (operator, system). Usually, these tasks are considered at a high level of abstraction (related to work and work objectives) leaving unconsidered low-level, repetitive tasks. This paper proposes a decomposition of automation for interactive systems highlighting the diverse objectives it may target at. Beyond, multiple complementary views of automation for interactive systems design are presented to better define the multiform concept of automation. It provides numerous concrete examples illustrating each view and identifies ten rules for designing interactive systems embedding automations.

Bio: Philippe Palanque is professor in Computer Science at the University Toulouse 3 and is head of the ICS (Interactive Critical Systems) research group at IRIT. Since the early 90’s his research focus is on interactive systems engineering proposing notations, methods and tools to integrate multiple properties such as usability, dependability, resilience and more recently user experience. These contributions have been developed together with industrial partners from various application domains such as civil aviation, air traffic management or satellite ground segments. Recently he has been involved in the specification of future interactive cockpits and their interactions and in the modelling of operational states of civil aircraft (with direct support from and close collaboration with Airbus). He has been working in the area of automation for more than ten years, was a member of the SESAR Higher Automation Levels in Aviation network of excellence and paper co-chair of ATACCS (Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems) 2015 conference. He was steering committee chair of the CHI conference series at ACM SIGCHI, is a member of the CHI academy and chair of IFIP Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction (TC13). He edited and co-edited more than twenty books or conference proceedings including the "Handbook on Formal Methods in Human-Computer Interaction" published by Springer in 2017.