CDT supervisers

Responsible Innovation

Responsible Innovation (RI) is at the heart of the Centre for Doctoral Training, to ensure research emerging from the centre creates value for society in an ethical and responsible way. This is in line with our ‘people first’ approach to scientific innovation, making new technologies work for society without causing more problems than they solve.

Focusing on responsible innovation enables us to improve at anticipating problems, taking into account wider social, ethical and environmental issues, and being able to create flexible and adaptive systems to deal with these unintended consequences.

By considering the value of our research in a holistic way we can work to achieve social, ethical, environmental, cultural and economic benefits.

RI is a thread that runs throughout all our work at the centre:

  • aligning research outcomes with the expectations and values of society
  • involving relevant stakeholder groups and ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion
  • engaging with the public, with a focus on education
  • maintaining good ethics and government practices by evolving RI strategies

Academic supervisors work closely with students to ensure RI is embedded in PhD research projects – at the heart of every research question.

We also promote our ‘people first’ approach with industry partners and engagement events, involving stakeholders (not only industrial partners) from the very beginning and listening to their concerns/views.

By shaping and refining our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategies and policies, we are committed to drive better equality and diversity among our cohort and future generations of scientists.