Welfare tools designed by the CSAR team at Swansea University are being fully utilised by the world’s largest supplier of farm-raised Atlantic salmon, MOWI.
Welfare tools designed by the CSAR team at Swansea University in collaboration with aquaculture partners in the UK are now being fully utilised by the world’s largest supplier of farm-raised Atlantic salmon, MOWI.
Funded by the Access2Sea project, the aim was to develop a suite of innovative and complementary solutions to improve lumpfish welfare aquaculture practices, the resulting tools a welfare e-learning course, a BMI calculator and a rapid welfare assessment tool have become part of the MOWI Academy, an online learning portal able to be accessed anywhere, even on a boat whilst at sea!
To learn more about this collaboration visit the Access2Sea website, you can also read more about the collaboration here Sharing expertise - Fish Farmer Magazine