Tom Wilkinson

Professor Thomas Wilkinson

Professor, Biomedical Sciences

Welsh language proficiency

Fluent Welsh Speaker
Academic Office - 137
First Floor
Institute of Life Science 1
Singleton Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Dr Wilkinson has extensive experience in host-pathogen interactions using in vitro modelling in epithelial cells, whole blood and animal models. Dr Wilkinson is working to identify useful markers that will help predict risk factors of developing severe infections in humans and animals.  

He has over 40 publications in the host-pathogen field ranging from in vitro cell culture modelling, through in vivo experimental models to ex vivo whole blood modelling. He has secured over £2 million in competitive grant funding. He is Associate Professor and leads the Microbiology and Infectious Disease group at Swansea University. Before moving to Swansea (2008), he was a PDRA in Edinburgh (2004-2008) at the MRC Centre for Inflammation Research and in Seattle at the Hope Heart Institute (2001-2004) working on the inflammatory effects of the extracellular matrix. Dr Wilkinson obtained a BSc in Pharmacology from University of Bath (1997), and a PhD from the University of Wales (2001). 

Areas Of Expertise

  • Host pathogen interactions
  • Novel diagnostic biomarkers
  • Immunity to bacteria
  • Barrier immunity and epithelial cells
  • Invasive infections
  • Staphylococcus epidermidis and S. aureus,
  • Escherichia coli and Campylobacter species
  • Ex vivo whole blood

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests
Tom Wilkinson Teaching Interests

Dr Wilkinson contributes to numerous undergraduate modules, which highlight his expertise and interests in cell biology, immunology, infectious diseases and the role of microbiome in host pathogen interactions.

Dr Wilkinson is now an experienced postgraduate supervisor. He has supported numerous projects to successful completion at MSc by Research and PhD level. He has also examined postgraduate degrees internally at Swansea and also externally across the UK.

Research Award Highlights Collaborations