Fundamental Research Skills
This module is designed to develop the skills required for students of biochemistry and genetics degree programmes. Students meet with their tutors and will be given a series of assignments designed to develop skills in key areas such as essay writing, presentations and general numeracy.
Introduction to neuroscience
In order to help students understand the biological basis for behavioural neuroscience and neurological disorders, this module seeks to integrate cell biology, physiology and biochemistry to understand the founding principles of neuroscience. The aim is to gain a mechanistic and holistic knowledge of the nervous system that builds from the molecular, cellular and developmental, to the systems level. In addition to exploring normal function, this module will introduce common disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems in an integrated way. Students will be guided in exploring the scientific evidence around what is known and unknown and will be introduced to current research findings in the scientific literature.
Cyflwyniad i Niwrowyddoniaeth
Er mwyn helpu myfyrwyr i ddeall y sail fiolegol ar gyfer niwrowyddoniaeth ymddygiadol ac anhwylderau niwrolegol, mae'r modiwl hwn yn ceisio integreiddio bioleg celloedd, ffisioleg a biocemeg i ddeall egwyddorion sylfaenol niwrowyddoniaeth. Y nod yw meithrin gwybodaeth fecanistig a chyfannol o'r system nerfol sy'n adeiladu o'r lefel foleciwlaidd, gellog a datblygiadol, i lefel systemau. Yn ogystal ag archwilio gweithrediad normal, bydd y modiwl hwn yn cyflwyno anhwylderau cyffredin y brif systemau nerfol a pherifferol mewn ffordd integredig. Caiff myfyrwyr eu harwain i archwilio'r dystiolaeth wyddonol ynghylch yr hyn sy'n hysbys ac yn anhysbys a byddant yn cael cyflwyniad i ganfyddiadau ymchwil cyfredol yn y llenyddiaeth wyddonol.
Advanced Metabolism
The modules seeks to expand upon the first year metabolism module (PM-127) to encompass the metabolism of other biomolecules and further additions to central glycolysis and the TCA cycle.
The module discusses the uptake and metabolism of carbohydrates other than glucose, the use of carbohydrates in the pentose phosphate and Entner-Douderoff pathways and disease implications.
Fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism and transport systems are discussed, alongside clinical implications and modern therapeutic drugs that target these pathways.
The pathways of amino acid synthesis and degradation in humans are described along with an introduction to the urea cycle.
Metabolaeth Uwch
Nod y modiwl hwn yw ehangu ar fodiwl metabolaeth y flwyddyn gyntaf (PM-127) i gynnwys metabolaeth biofoleciwlau eraill ac ychwanegu mwy am glycolsis canolog a'r cylchred TCA. Mae'r modiwl yn trafod ymlifiad a metabolaeth carbohydradau ac eithrio glucos, y defnydd o garbohydradau yn y llwybrau ffosffad pentos ac Entner-Douderoff a¿r goblygiadau clefyd. Caiff metabolaeth asid brasterog a cholesterol a systemau cludo eu trafod, ynghyd â goblygiadau clinigol a chyffuriau therapiwtig modern sy'n targedu'r llwybrau hyn.Caiff llwybrau synthesis asidau amino a diraddiad mewn pobl eu disgrifio ynghyd â chyflwyniad i'r gylchred wrea.
Skills for Researchers
The modern scientist graduate is expected to have gained extensive laboratory-based experience and this is certainly essential for any student intent on pursuing a research-based career. Skills for Researchers provides students with the opportunity to acquire the core skills to be able to conduct, analyse, interpret and present scientific experiments. A proportion of the module will be spent in the laboratory gaining hands-on experience. Skills acquired in this module will form the basis for future experimental work, including the final year project. Students will have the opportunity to provide feedback to peers and engage with a variety of online learning materials.
Membranes and Energy Transduction
An appreciation of the molecular architecture of energy-conserving membranes is provided together with an understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in energy transduction. The course also provides an understanding of the structure and properties of membranes, the lipids contained within them and the techniques used to study them.
Capstone Project
The aim of this module is to provide a capstone experience to students¿ learning, through participating in their own enquiry-based research project, with guidance from an academic supervisor. The project may be laboratory or non-laboratory based, but it will always involve a research question that is drawn from the literature, and focused on a topic relevant to the life sciences. It will ask a research question and involve the critical analysis of research findings. Students will refine their oral and written communication skills to a graduate level through an oral presentation and dissertation on their research findings and conclusions.
Advanced Research Topics in Biomedical Science
This module seeks to highlight various research activity currently conducted within the Swansea University Medical School, providing students with an understanding of a diverse array of research topics investigated within the biomedical sciences.
Topics covered will reflect the current research staff activity including the role of extracellular vesicles in cancer, cancer therapeutics, biomaterials, role of cholesterol in cell biology, and use of lipidomics.
Students will gain a background to each topic, an appreciation of the current methodologies utilised within each field and the current research developments within these.
Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
The module will provide practical and in depth theory of applications and equipment available to MSci students in the biomedical research laboratories based at the Medical School. The module will provide guidelines and rationale for experimental design, and data and statistical analysis.
Technegau Labordy Biofeddygol
Bydd y modiwl yn darparu damcaniaeth ymarferol a manwl o¿r cymwysiadau ac offer sydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr MSci yn y labordai ymchwil biofeddygol sydd wedi'u lleoli yn yr Ysgol Feddygaeth. Bydd y modiwl yn darparu canllawiau a rhesymeg ar gyfer cynlluniau arbrofol, a dadansoddiad data ac ystadegau.
Chemistry for Biochemists
The module covers transition metals, elements of bio-inorganic chemistry, forensic chemistry, antibody-drug conjugate chemistry, the chemistry of nanoparticles and the chemistry of biosensors.
Organic Chemistry: an Introduction for Life Sciences.
The module deals with the basic principles of organic chemistry Two aspects which are particularly emphasised are the stereochemistry of organic compounds and the mechanisms of organic reactions.
Neurodegeneration & Repair
This MSc Medical Neuroscience module will study the processes involved in brain degeneration and repair. We will review disease pathology and diagnosis, the cellular and molecular basis of disease, and possible new therapies aimed at restoring brain function, including cell replacement strategies. Content will involve lectures, tutorials, expert guest seminars and workshops.
A general introduction to small molecule mass spectometry
This module will enable students to gain knowledge of the basic concepts of small molecule mass spectrometry including typical instrumentation, linking to modern separation techniques, principles of valid analytical measurement and instrument maintenance, spectral interpretation, and the basis of modern applications such as, compound identification by generating a characteristic mass `fingerprint¿ for the chemical structure and compound quantitation.