Dr Mukesh Tiwari

Lecturer, Computer Science
Office - 316
Third Floor
Computational Foundry
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Mukesh Tiwari is a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, Swansea University. The goal of his research is to ensure that correctness and security of software programs used in public domain using formal methods. His research focuses on proving the correctness of software programs, particularly used for a very high-stake situations involving common citizens, e.g., vote counting software for a legally binding elections to a public office, data processing software for sensitive data, cryptographic software used in elections, etc. Mainly, he uses the Coq theorem prover to implement software programs and prove them correct. In addition, he is also very passionate about teaching formal verification.

Feel free to get in touch with him if you have any research project related to theorem proving, particularly if it involves Coq.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Cryptography
  • Electronic Voting
  • Interactive Theorem Proving (Coq Theorem Prover)
  • Software Security
  • Cyber Security
  • Social Choice Theory

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Theorem Proving
Formal Verification