Mike Gravenor

Professor Michael Gravenor

Professor, Health Data Science
Director Cellular Office - 101
First Floor
Data Science Building
Singleton Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Mike is Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Institute of Life Science. He is involved in a wide range of projects based on the application of statistical models to problems in medical, biological, and environmental sciences. His first degree was Natural Sciences at Cambridge, followed by a DPhil at the Department of Zoology at Oxford, supported by a NERC award. He took an MRC Fellowship to the Institute of Molecular Medicine at Oxford University (now the Weatherall Institute) and then joined a large BBSRC project during the BSE crisis to work at the Institute for Animal Health, Compton. Mike joined the Swansea College of Medicine as a Senior Lecturer in 2003, and was appointed to a personal Chair in 2007. His research ranges from analysis of large linked databases for cardiovascular epidemiology, to mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, statistical models of viral evolution and biomarkers for the impact of climate change on environmental systems. 

Areas Of Expertise

  • Statistical Methods
  • Epidemiology
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Mathematical Biology

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Teaching Statistics to Biologists