Mrs Angela Smith

Mrs Angela Smith

Senior Lecturer, Nursing

Email address

Welsh language proficiency

Basic Welsh Speaker
Office - 702
Seventh Floor
Vivian Building
Singleton Campus


Angela Smith worked within the banking industry (HSBC) for many years in a variety of locations throughout South Wales. She completed a Law degree from 2000-2003 (LLB 1st Class Honours) at Swansea Institute of Higher Education. Angela then completed a PGCE (FE) (Distinction) at Cardiff University. Angela has  a Masters Degree  in Law (LLM) through distance learning at Bristol University and also a Masters degree (MA) in Ethics and Social Philosophy at Cardiff University. She is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Prior to joining Swansea University, Angela taught for a number of years through the medium of video conferencing.

Angela currently teaches on a variety of modules within the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences. This includes teaching large groups of undergraduate students (e.g. Nurses, Paramedics, Osteopaths, Medics, Physician Associates, Health and Social Care, Social Workers) on a range of legal and ethical topics (e.g. Law on consent, Law on Confidentiality, Equality, Principles of Medical ethics and Truth telling) but similarly engaging in small group work tutorials on these topics. Her role as a lecturer also involves teaching postgraduate students studying for their Masters degrees. Angela is actively a part of providing teaching days for qualified nursing staff working with SBHB  and HDHB on a range of topics (Documentation, Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards). Marking of examinations and assignments throughout the academic year is also part of Angela's role.

Angela is also Faculty lead on Research Integrity, Ethics and Governance and also works as an Academic Integrity Officer within the Faculty. In terms of research, Angela's main areas of interest are Law and Reproduction, Do Not Resuscitate Orders and Mental Capacity. She has published works on Consent and is also accredited with two chapters in a Textbook on Health and Social Care (SAGE Publications) alongside other lecturers within the University.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Law on Consent
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Law on confidentiality
  • Clinical negligence
  • Equality and diversity

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Law and ethics in respect of Medical law.
