In 2014 a Swansea-Wuhan Joint Medical Centre was set up with the Wuhan Union Hospital. ... It is also home to a joint medical centre with Swansea University which was opened in 2018.
organizers would like to share insights on progress made, regarding the public policies on cannabis and the development of a medical cannabis industry in the Caribbean region. ... ICCR Video, April 2020. These are interviews conducted by GDPO Senior
Jeff Davies of Swansea University Medical School has been awarded a prestigious Fulbright All Disciplines Scholar Award, which will enable him to conduct research at the world-renowned neuroscience faculty in
Welcome to Swansea University's podcast series where our academics talk about how their ground-breaking research helps to tackle a variety of global challenges.
T Levels. Entry requirements
Karl Hawkins. Karl is a Professor at Swansea University Medical School and a Director of the Centre for NanoHealth. ... Sir Frank Atherton. Dr Frank Atherton took up post as Chief Medical Officer, Medical Director NHS Wales in August 2016.
Lucy, Medical Genetics student. "Sometimes what you originally want to do won’t work out for a reason and there’s actually another calling for you".
Safia Shirzad, Afghanistan. Spotify. International Medical Dreams - Overcoming Adversity in the Pursuit of Becoming a Doctor. ... Safia Shirzad, Afghanistan. Apple Podcasts. International Medical Dreams - Overcoming Adversity in the Pursuit of Becoming a
I joined the Welsh language course to gain basic knowledge and to be able to confidently talk to patients both as a medical student and later as a physician. ... Learning Welsh has given me a sense of purpose. As a future doctor, I am obliged to improve
Our services are for students experiencing emotional and personal difficulties as well as more complex long-term issues including sensory or physical impairments, long term medical conditions, specific learning difficulties (SpLD),