A Lateral Double-diffused Magnetic sensitive MOSFET with integrated plate.

A magnetic sensitive device, Lateral Double-diffused Magnetic sensitive metal-oxide-semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (LD MagFET), combining the sensory operation of conventional MagFETs and Hall plates is proposed. The sensor device is fully compatible with a high-voltage CMOS technology. It is found that the LD MagFET with integrated Hall plate exhibits an order of magnitude higher relative magnetic sensitivity in comparison with the split-drain silicon MagFETs in standard CMOS.

Due to its full compatibility with high-voltage CMOS technology, the proposed LD MagFET can be a suitable integrated sensor device for some high voltage applications such as magnetic sensitive (MS) smart-power ICs. Namely, the MS smart-power ICs consists of one or more magnetic sensors, high voltage/power devices (the ‘brawn’ of the system) and CMOS logic circuits (the system’s ‘brain’) fabricated on a common semiconductor substrate to maximize the overall IC performance, reduce power consumption and cost. The MS smart-power ICs detect the magnetic field in environment, convert it into analogue or digital electrical signal and deliver the result to a microprocessor or logic field-programmable gate array (FPGA) by means of an on-chip serial interface, for example. The MS smart-power ICs could be used for detecting position or rotation of the magnetized objects, portable battery-operated magnetodosimeters intended for monitoring the humans’ exposure to magnetic fields in particular working environments (hospitals or physics laboratories), and/or wheel speed detection in automotive applications, amongst other various applications.