Associate Professor Dr Bojana Žegura (centre) and her team from the National Institute of Biology (NIB) is welcomed to Swansea University by Pro-Vice- Chancellor Professor Helen Griffiths (centre left) and Professor Shareen Doak (centre right).
Swansea University has welcomed a delegation from the National Institute of Biology (NIB) in Slovenia as part of the CutCancer twinning project.
CutCancer was announced in January, when Swansea University joined with Stockholm University in Sweden and VU Medical Center Amsterdam in the Netherlands to work together to strengthen and increase the research and innovation capacity and excellence of NIB, the lead partner.
The three-year, €1,197,550 Horizon Europe project shares expertise in state-of-the-art testing approaches to promote frontier research in the field of preclinical cancer research.
The recent four-day visit saw the Slovenian delegation focus on knowledge exchange to explore some key areas of expertise - attending training, presentations and workshops to exchange best practices, with the aim to expand the research and innovation capacity at NIB.
Professor Shareen Doak, Professor of Genotoxicology and Cancer at Swansea University’s Medical School, who co-ordinated the visit, said:
“It was fantastic to meet with our NIB colleagues to develop the CutCancer project’s knowledge exchange agenda. It has also allowed us to build on our relationships, strengthen our collaboration and make real progress in implementing transformative approaches in cancer-based research.”
Associate Professor Dr Bojana Žegura, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia said:
“A group of 13 NIB representatives from the Project Office, the Technology Transfer Office, the Public Relations Office, the Accounting Department and the Human Resources Office attended a training at Swansea University to gain new knowledge and share best practices in order to strengthen research management capacity and administrative skills. As a researcher, I had the opportunity to talk with Professor Shareen Doak about possible further collaboration that will further deepen and strengthen our cooperation. In addition to knowledge sharing, we planned future activities to strategically strengthen our partnership. We are grateful for this opportunity.”