The ability to understand and use information from a variety of digital sources is an essential life skill for living, working and learning in the 21st Century (Health Education England, 2017).   Although some of you may be nervous, fearful or even sceptical of the digital revolution, you will need to confidently and critically use digital information and technologies to perform well clinically and academically (Janssen, Stoyanov, Ferrari, & Punie, 2012).

Here at Swansea University the Department of Nursing wants to support the development of your competence in using digital media, to enhance your learning, engage in technologies in clinical practice and protect yourself and the profession when you are online.   Digital competence requires a specific set of skills, attitudes and knowledge (Janssen et al., 2012) and the nursing curriculum has been developed to enhance this set of attributes.

Further information on digital software and solutions can be found in the Libraries.

We aim to enable you to: