Multi-User Laboratory Workstation

Ruskinn Technology Limited, based at the Technium Digital@SONY in Pencoed have worked closely with Swansea University's Centre for NanoHealth (CNH) on the extension of existing product lines and the development of a multi-user laboratory workstation system, to provide opportunities to penetrate new markets in new sectors.

CNH and Ruskinn applied for a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP)  from The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) to fund a research associate position over two years to develop new Ruskinn products that will allow the incorporation of advanced light microscopy and atomic force microscopy in a controlled atmosphere laboratory workstation. These technologies with allow increased adoption of Ruskinn products by Stem Cell, Regenerative Medicine and Nanotechnology sectors

A TSB grant application was generated and funded and on completion a new set of processes and a new product line was established with high profile sales, resulting in ongoing collaboration and technology transfer.

A high quality research associate was employed to work on the project to support other Ruskinn activities including video marketing materials and sales support. The KTP allowed management training and the acquirement of other skills for the associate who was subsequently employed by Ruskinn.

With increased visibility to scientific and hospital communities, the prototype is now located in the state of the art facilities of CNH and is available for demonstration to customers and evaluation of other applications.

“Ruskinn are delighted with the Centre of NanoHealth project and look forward to the remainder of the KTP and an on-going relationship with the Centre, and hope to be a supplier of equipment and services to CNH in the future.  The KTP provides excellent additional capability for the company to develop an important new product range; as well as supporting the Associate in his career and professional development.  The relationship has proved to be highly successful to date; and the collaboration between the University and the CNH with Ruskinn has cemented a solid and professional relationship to the benefit of all parties”