Conference Organisers

Dr Franz Bernhardt, an ESRC Wales DTP Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Swansea University in the Department of Geography, and Mila Sanchez, a Joint PhD student at Swansea University and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne are organising and hosting the conference ‘Migration, Mobilities and Emerging Political Spaces’ at Swansea University. 

Mila headshot

Mila Sanchez is a Geography PhD student working on the role of migrants from the new EU Member States in the process of regional integration in Europe. Her research focused on the construction of a European space from below through the study of migrants' cultural capital and spatial representations. Her PhD is funded by the Labex Dynamite via a joint program between Swansea University and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She is also a fellow of the Institute Convergence Migrations.

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Franz headshot

Dr Franz Bernhardt is an ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Geography at Swansea University. He holds a Ph.D. in Human Geography from Swansea University, examining how urban, regional, and national imaginaries of community effect commitments of hospitality towards migrants. His research has been published in the peer- reviewed journal Cultural Geographies and will appear in a book chapter in the edited collection Collective Movements and Emerging Political Spaces. His current postdoctoral project examines how the political strive for separatism and national independence effects attitudes towards migration and the politics of asylum of the sovereign nation state.

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Keynote Speakers

Yann headshot

Yann Richard is a professor at the Geography Department of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Director of the Paris 1 – ENS Paris Geopolitics Master’s Degree and former Deputy Director of the CNRS Prodig laboratory. In 2012, he was elected Director of the Geography Department of the University of Paris 1. His research focuses on Europe and the European Union with geopolitical approaches, as well as on the regionalisation of the world and regional integration.

Keynote Lecture 1: The forgotten regionalization of international migrations?

Maja headshot

Professor Maja Zehfuss joined the University of Copenhagen in 2020. She has previously taught at the University of Warwick and The University of Manchester, where she is still an Honorary Professor. She received her doctorate from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Maja Zehfuss is the co-founder of the British International Studies Association Poststructural Politics Working Group which she co-convened from 2001 to 2007. 

Keynote Lecture 2: Migration Politics: People in Time in a Spatialised World