of the Anglophone Welsh Short Story by Sally Roberts Jones (2003)

The Introduction falls into two parts (Part I and Part II); the bibliography is to be found in Part III. If you are searching for information on a specific author, editor or collection you should use the 'Find in this Page' option on your toolbar.

`Twenty years ago it would have seemed impossible that Wales, popularly considered a country of sour stone, hideous defamation, and colourless mountains, should have yielded literature for which perhaps a close precedent is the Impressionist period of painting. For Welsh writers seem to have made precisely the discovery that French painters made almost a hundred years ago;they have decided to paint in the open air.`

H.E. Bates, The Modern Short Story: a critical survey. 1942

Click on the links below to access each part:

PART I  (Introduction, part 1)

PART II  (Introduction, part II) 

PART III (Bibliography)