Active buildings

Materials that capture, store and release energy

Tata Steel has worked with Swansea University staff and postgraduates from the SPECIFIC Innovation and Knowledge Centre to develop next generation coatings and steel claddings for buildings that will harvest, store and release solar energy. 

Together they have developed the Active Classroom and Office demonstration buildings which integrate the solar technologies into one system that enables them to generate and store energy – both heat and electricity - from sunlight and release it on demand (during peak times or when the sun isn't shining).

specific project

Rolling out the technologies

Utilising the sustainable energy technologies developed by SPECIFIC, the SUNRISE project is building a series of buildings across India that contain integrated sustainable energy systems.  

Modelled on the active classroom and the ‘buildings as power stations’ initiative at Swansea University, the Sunrise project is using Tata Steel's perforated steel cladding, adapted to the needs and challenges of a new environment, to generatsolar heat energy. 

The success of the Active Building early demonstrators has also led to the establishment of the Active Building Centre project. 

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Partner Centres and Projects