Investigating the behaviour and physiology of various aquatic species

Tanks on rack
Stickleback tanks

Aquatic behaviour and physiology projects

The Aquatic Behaviour and Physiology projects at CSAR bring together research groups led by Andrew King and Ines Fürtbauer to investigate the behaviour and physiology of various aquatic species.

Recent and current research is funded by NERCFSBIThe Royal Society, and The Leverhulme Trust.

Some examples of recent research outputs are:

  • Duteil, M., Pope, E. C., Pérez-Escudero, A., de Polavieja, G. G., Fürtbauer, I., Brown, M. R., King, A. J. (2016) European sea bass show behavioural resilience to near-future ocean acidification. Royal Society Open Science 3(11), 160656. 
  • Fürtbauer, I., & Heistermann, M. (2016) Cortisol coregulation in fish. Scientific Reports 6, 30334 
  • Hansen, M. J., Ward, A. J. W., Fürtbauer, I.*, King, A. J.* (2016) Environmental quality determines finder-joiner dynamics in socially foraging three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatusBehavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 70: 889-899 *equal contribution 
  • Fürtbauer, I. (2015) Consistent individual differences in haemolymph density reflect risk propensity in a marine invertebrate. Royal Society Open Science. 2: 140482. 
  • Fürtbauer, I., King A. J., Heistermann, M. (2015) Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE) tagging and simulated predation risk elicit similar physiological stress responses in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Journal of Fish Biology 86: 1644–1649 
  • Fürtbauer, I., Pond, A., Heistermann, M., King A. J. (2015) Personality, plasticity, and predation: linking endocrine and behavioural reaction norms in stickleback fish. Functional Ecology 29: 931-940. 
  • Mamuneas, D., Spence, A. J., Manica, A., King, A. J. (2015) Bolder stickleback fish make faster decisions, but they are not less accurate. Behavioral Ecology 6: 91-96.  
  • King, A. J., Fürtbauer, I., Mamuneas, D., James, C., Manica, A. (2013). Sex-differences and temporal consistency in stickleback fish boldness. PLoS ONE 8(12): e81116.