Professor Nicola Gray

Professor Nicola Gray

Professor, Psychology
Academic Office - 707A
Seventh Floor
Vivian Building
Singleton Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


My main areas of interest are forensic and clinical psychology, including the factors underpinning offending behaviour and to the prevention of suicide and self-harm. I have a special interest in psychopathy and how the behavioural and psychological features of the psychopathic disorder lead to offending behaviour. I have published widely on the science of risk assessment and safety planning in mental health services.

My background is as a Consultant in Clinical and Forensic Psychology and I have spent my career as a clinical-academic working in secure mental health facilities, attempting to address the needs of people with severe mental illness or personality disorder who can present a danger to themselves or to the general public. I have a strong interest in clinical and forensic psychology as it applies to the family and criminal courts and have acted as an expert witness in many legal cases.

  • BSc (hons), Psychology, University of London
  • MSc, Clinical Psychology, University of London
  • PhD, Psychology, University of London

Areas Of Expertise

  • Risk assessment, risk management, and child protection
  • Sexual offending, paedophilia and models of human sexuality
  • Psychopathy and severe personality disorder
  • Suicide and self-harm
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder